Page 18 - IFV September Issue 2024
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Estate News
he causes of food cravings may 2. Don’t drink your calories, specifically 6. Manage your stress. Anything stressful
be varied, but they are a major those fizzy drinks that are very high in can trigger hormones that activate
Troadblock for people trying to sugar. cravings. If you have the urge to eat,
maintain a healthy weight. ask yourself two questions: “What
Fortunately, there are some simple 3. Eat a nutritious protein breakfast. am I feeling, and what do I need?” Is
ways that you can knock food cravings there something else besides food
on their heads. 4. Have small, frequent, fibre-rich meals that will help you get what you need?
throughout the day. Eat every 3 - 4 Adopt a daily stress management
The following tips might help hours and have some protein with programme that includes deep-
to minimise your withdrawal each snack or meal. breathing exercises, meditation and
symptoms: other relaxation techniques.
1. Keep your blood sugar stable. Combine 5. Avoid eating within three hours of
good protein (fish, eggs, poultry, nuts bedtime. This drives up insulin before 7. Find out if hidden food allergies are
and legumes), good fats (olive oil, you sleep, which makes you store triggering your cravings. We often
olives, nuts, seeds and avocados) more belly fat. Belly fat drives cravings crave the very foods we are allergic to.
and good carbs (beans, vegetables, through inflammatory and hormonal Getting off them is not easy but after
whole grains and fruit) at each meal to triggers. two to three days without them, you
balance your blood sugar. will have renewed energy and relief
from cravings and symptoms.
8. Get moving. Exercise at least 30
minutes a day, which helps control
and regulate your appetite.
16 • Issue 9 2024 • The Villager