Page 5 - IFV Jan Feb Issue 2025
P. 5

Estate News

           Dear Residents,

            Kicking Off the Year & Important Community Updates

           J   anuary is done and dusted! I came across a great quote:

               “My New Year’s resolutions will start on 1st
               February—January was just the trial month.”

             If you haven’t started yours yet, consider this your fresh start.

           Celebrating the Matric Class of 2024  Form and submit it to the Estate       Anna-Mart Steyn
           A big congratulations to the Matric Class   Office at least 5 working days before
           of 2024! Completing matric is a huge   the lease agreement starts.
           milestone,  and  we  are  incredibly  proud   2.  Complete  the  Application  for
           of each and every one of you. The years   Approval to Obtain a Criminal Check.  Security & Staff
           ahead hold endless opportunities, and we   Who covers the costs?           Appreciation
           look forward to seeing where your journey   •  The property owner will bear the cost
           takes you next.                     of the criminal background check.        huge thank you to
                                              •  The background check results will be   all  residents  who
           Traffic Light Timing at the North   shared only with the stand’s owner.  A ontributed financially
           Gate                               We urge all property owners to     during   November     and
           Several residents raised concerns about   communicate this requirement with their   December. Your  generosity
           the short green light at the North Gate   tenants before lease renewals.  allowed the HOA to distribute
           exit. Estate management took this matter   4.9.1  The Tenant must:    R1,500 to each member of our
           to the City of Tshwane, requesting a signal  complete  the  following  security  and  garden  services
           timing review.                           documents and hand in at the   teams – a tremendously
             During peak traffic hours, the City    Estate Office at least 5 working   appreciated gesture.
           conducted an on-site assessment between   days before the start of the lease   These  teams  work
           06:45 and 07:45. The findings concluded:  agreement:                  tirelessly  daily,  ensuring  the
             •  The green light lasts for 20 seconds.  •   Tenant Application Form   estate remains a safe, well-
             •  The maximum queue observed was 10   •   Application form for the approval   maintained, and welcoming
              vehicles, which cleared the intersection   to obtain a criminal check   environment for all.  Whether
              within the allocated time.      4.9.2   The cost for the criminal check will   it’s  the  security  personnel
             •  Based  on  these  observations,  no   be for the owner of the stand.   watching our community or
              adjustments to the traffic light timing   4.9.3   The result of the criminal check   the gardeners maintaining
              will be made.                  will be given to the owner of the stand.   our  beautiful  green  spaces,
             We appreciate the feedback from
           residents and the City of Tshwane’s prompt
           response in assessing the situation.

           Tenant Vetting Policy – Effective 1st
           March 2025
           From 1st March 2025, the HOA will
           implement a tenant vetting process for
           all new and renewed lease agreements.
           This initiative aims to ensure our estate
           community’s safety and compliance.
           What tenants need to do:
             1.  Complete the  Tenant Application

                                                                                       The Villager  •   Issue 1  2025  •   3
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