Page 6 - IFV Jan Feb Issue 2025
P. 6
Estate News
their dedication does not go New Building Regulations
unnoticed. – Skips Now Required for All Construction Waste
Your support makes a real aintaining the estate’s cleanliness and ensuring compliance with
difference in recognising the HOA regulations is a shared responsibility. The HOA has introduced a
hard work and commitment of Mmandatory skip requirement for all building projects to address ongoing
those who help keep our estate issues with improper disposal of building materials, effective 13th January 2025.
safe, secure, and looking its This measure has been implemented due to repeated environmental concerns,
best. disruptions to neighbouring properties, and damage to the estate’s aesthetic caused
by inadequate rubble disposal during construction projects.
Security Update: New
Provider from March 2025 HOA Rules on Waste Disposal (Effective Immediately)
The HOA’s three-year To enforce proper waste management, the following HOA regulations apply:
contract with Bidvest Protea
Coin will come to an end on Rule (BUILDERS): common area or upon a thoroughfare for
28th February 2025. After a “No building equipment, materials, a period exceeding TWENTY-FOUR (24)
rigorous procurement process, building rubble, or refuse may be dumped HOURS.”
we are pleased to announce or stored on any adjoining land, any road,
that Thorburn Security open spaces, sidewalks, or anywhere else What This Means for Residents
Solutions has been awarded on the Property, under any circumstances.” • Before starting any building project,
the new three-year contract, residents must ensure that contractors
starting 1st March 2025. Rule (BUILDERS): arrange for adequate skips to be placed
“Contractors must provide adequate on-site before commencing work.
What This Means for facilities for the disposal of rubble, waste, • As per the updated HOA Contractor’s
Residents and refuse and ensure that their labourers Biometric Registration Form, “The
• Seamless Security Transition utilize these facilities. No rubble, waste, or above contractor/sub-contractor shall
– The HOA office is engaged refuse may be burnt or buried on-site. No only be allowed onto the Estate once a
in a thorough handover plan, form of paper, plastic bags, empty food skip is delivered at the stand.”
ensuring that all SOPs are in place or beverage containers, cement bags, tile • Contractors must regularly use these
to secure a smooth transition offcuts, ceiling boards, roof tiles, rubble, skips for all rubble and refuse and
without compromising safety. or the like are to be left lying around on remove them promptly once complete.
• Ongoing Collaboration – any building site, adjoining stand, open • Regular compliance checks will
The HOA office works closely spaces, roads, or sidewalks.” be conducted to ensure that all
with security providers to ensure construction sites adhere to the
a well-managed handover MOI 8.11 (DUTIES OF MEMBERS): regulations. Penalties may be imposed
process. “Prevent the accumulation of trash
• Maintaining High Standards or garbage or other waste material on for any violations.
– Security remains a top priority, the stand except in containers located in The HOA appreciates your cooperation
and the new provider will appropriate areas screened and concealed in maintaining the quality and standards
continue to uphold the estate’s from view so that odours do not emanate of our estate. Please contact the HOA
security measures. from such containers. Provided such office if you have any questions or
The HOA would like to containers may not be placed on any require clarification.
sincerely thank Bidvest Protea
Coin for their long-standing
service to the estate. Their
professionalism and dedication
have played a vital role in
maintaining a safe and secure
living environment.
4 • Jan / Feb 2025 • The Villager