Page 7 - IFV Jan Feb Issue 2025
P. 7

Estate News

                         Online Transactions Warning – Protect Yourself from Scams
           S    everal residents have  recently   and conduct thorough due diligence when   •  Request  references  or  reviews  from

                                             engaging in transactions through non-
                                                                               trusted sources.
                transactions  on platforms  not
                                                                               without proper documentation or
           officially endorsed by the HOA.  The   official channels.”         •  Avoid  making  large  payments  upfront
           HOA cannot take responsibility for any   Scams & Fraudulent Activity:  guarantees.
           financial loss or disputes arising from   “Instances  where  residents  may  have   •  Report  any  suspected  fraud  to
           these transactions.               been scammed or defrauded through these   the appropriate law enforcement
                                             platforms  are  deemed  civil  matters.  Such   authorities.
           Official HOA Policy on Non-Official   disputes  will  be  resolved  directly  between   Unfortunately, fraudulent transactions
           Platforms                         the  affected  resident(s)  and  the  accused/  are becoming more frequent.  We urge
           •  Transactions  on  Non-Official   perpetrator.  The  HOA  does  not  have  the   residents to exercise caution when
           Platforms:                        authority  to  intervene  or  act  on  behalf  of   dealing with online marketplaces, social
             “The HOA and/or the Board of Directors   residents in such cases.”  media groups, and other non-official
           (BOD)  cannot  be  held  responsible  for  any                     platforms.
           financial loss or disputes arising from   How to Protect Yourself from   If you are ever unsure whether
           payments (deposits or full amounts) made   Online Scams            a platform or seller is trustworthy,
           for goods or services advertised on platforms   •  Verify  the  legitimacy  of  the  seller  or   please contact the HOA office before
           that  the  HOA  does  not  officially  endorse.   service provider before making any   proceeding with a transaction.
           Residents  are  urged  to  exercise  caution   payments.

                Garden of the Month & Resident

           Garden of the Month – Stand 2288, Willow Drive
           It’s always a pleasure to recognise residents who take great
           pride in their gardens, and this month, the Garden of the
           Month award goes to Stand 2288, Willow Drive!
             This beautiful space is an excellent example of waterwise
           gardening, using succulents, hardy plants, and a variety of
           textures to create a visually striking yet sustainable landscape.
             A  special  mention  goes  to the  potted  plants  at the

                                                             entrance,  which create  a welcoming focal  point  for visitors.
                                                             Congratulations on a well-maintained, environmentally
                                                             friendly garden!

                                                             A big thank you to all residents who
                                                             returned from holiday and worked to
                                                             restore their gardens after the much-
                                                             needed December and January rains.

                                                             Your efforts help keep Irene Farm
                                                             Villages green and beautiful.

                                                                                      The Villager  •   Jan / Feb  2025  •   5
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