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PUBLIC SERVICE                                                                      FOR DOGS,

                                                                                     SPIRO IS NOT

                                                                                     THE NAME
 ANNOUNCEMENT                                                                        OF A GREEK



                                                                                      infection may save an infected pup’s life.
                  In light of the recent disease outbreak                             Preventable!  The treatment for parvo is

                  scares around SA, here's a quick reference                          very expensive, with no guarantee that the
                                                                                      dog will survive, yet an inexpensive series
                  guide to some of the common, deadly, yet                            of vaccinations can prevent the disease.
                                                                                      Young puppies should be vaccinated at
                  COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE diseases that                                6 - 8 weeks of age, with at least 2 vaccines
                                                                                      (a month apart) after 10 weeks of age.
                  may be a threat to our pets in Jo’burg.                             Puppies should not be socialised with dogs
                                                                                      where their vaccination status is unknown,
                                                                                      until at least 2 weeks after their third
                                                                                      SPIROCERCOSIS (DOGS)
               DISTEMPER (DOGS)                                                       Spirocerca lupi is the worm that kills, yet
               Following an outbreak of distemper in   Distemper is transmitted from dog to dog   many dog parents aren’t familiar with
               Knysna last year (which quickly moved to   through direct, as well as indirect contact   it. Additionally, only 2 parasite control
               the Western Cape), vets countrywide are   (eg. bowls, blankets, etc.) and may even be   products currently on the market in SA are
               reminding their clients to ensure that their   airborne.               effective in preventing it.

               dogs' vaccinations are up to date.
                                                  Preventable!  Ensure your dogs are seen   S. lupi is a 5cm long worm that lives in the
               Distemper is not new; in fact, it’s one of the   annually by their vet and that you follow the   oesophagus of a dog who has ingested it

               oldest diseases to affect dogs. The canine   vaccination recommendations to the letter.  after swallowing dung beetles (the worm’s
               distemper virus belongs to the same family                             intermediate host) or other small animals
               as those that cause measles, mumps and   CANINE PARVOVIRUS (DOGS)      like birds, mice, lizards and frogs (transport

               bronchiolitis in humans. Distemper affects   CPA or “parvo” is the infamous puppy-killer   hosts) that feed on these beetles. After
               various body systems, hence its name,   - it is usually seen in puppies aged between   being ingested, S. lupi larvae hatch in
               which derives from the Middle English term,   6 weeks and 6 months but adult dogs   the dog’s stomach, migrate through the
               distemperen, meaning “to upset the balance   with lapsed vaccinations can also contract   abdominal blood vessels to the aorta. Once
               of the humours”.  Symptoms are respiratory,   the disease. The puppy starts showing   mature, they move through the tissues of
               gastrointestinal and neurological and   symptoms within 5 days of being infected:   the chest into the oesophagus, causing
               include the following:             listlessness, loss of appetite, vomiting and   damage to those structures along the
               •   Diarrhoea and vomiting         severe bloody diarrhoea.            way, where they form large nodules. These
               •   Mucous discharge from the eyes and                                 cause the typical respiratory symptoms
                  nose                            Parvo is unfortunately still very prevalent   of spirocercosis (laboured breathing,
               •   Pneumonia (characterised by coughing   in SA, due to the high numbers of   coughing and retching), as well as the
                  and laboured breathing)         unvaccinated pups. It is highly contagious,   gastro-intestinal signs (difficulty swallowing,

               •   Hardening and thickening of paw pads   making breeding kennels and welfare   regurgitating food and loss of appetite). This
                  and nose leather                shelters prime locations for it to thrive; the   process generally takes 4 - 6 months but
               •   Muscle spasms and inability to co-  virus may also survive in the environment   may be as quick as 2,5 months. The female
                  ordinate movement               for up to a year, so it is inadvisable to bring   worms lay their eggs through holes in the
               •   Seizures with salivation and jaw   a new pup onto a property where parvo   nodules, and these pass through the dog’s
                  movements (referred to as “chewing   has been diagnosed for at least that long,   intestines and out via the poop - to be eaten

                  gum fits”)                      regardless of the steps taken to eliminate it.   by another dung beetle, or to be eaten by
               •   Partial or complete paralysis.  Parvo is spread through contact, as well as   another dog....
                                                  via the oral-faecal route, which means that
               There is no cure for this disease and the   pups sniffing an infected pup’s behind or   This very invasive migration path through

               small number of dogs that survive the initial   poop could be infected.  the body may cause any of the following
               symptoms are at risk of developing severe                              symptoms:
               neurological problems up to years later. By   There is no known cure for parvovirus,   •  Vomiting/regurgitation
               the time this disease becomes neurological   but intensive treatment in hospital   •   Enlarged salivary glands
               (ie. seizures, self-trauma and paralysis), the   focused around managing the symptoms,   •   Weight loss
               animal cannot be saved and euthanasia is   supporting the dog’s ability to outlast the   •  Weakness
               sadly the only option.             virus and preventing secondary bacterial   •   Pale gums and lips

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