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             •   Swollen paws                   Frontline (Zoetis) or Advantix (Bayer) spot-  stumble around aimlessly and demonstrate
             •  Fever                           on will help protect your fur-family from   abnormal behaviour for their species: wild
             •   Ruptured blood vessels         deadly ticks. Remember that even dogs   animals can appear tame, or domesticated,
             •   Secondary bacterial infections  and cats who don’t have any contact with   friendly animals may show aggressive
             •  Coughing/pneumonia.             other pets are at risk, as ticks enter your   behaviour. Children should be taught never
                                                property via birds, rats and mice, reptiles,   to approach unfamiliar animals.
             The nodules in the oesophagus may form   etc. DO NOT be tempted to discontinue
             cancerous growths that can spread through   anti-parasite treatment (or stretch the   Preventable! It is a legal requirement to
             the body.                          periods between doses) in winter - ticks can   vaccinate all dogs and cats against rabies in
                                                survive on penguins in the Arctic, so the   SA. Due to the serious risk to human health,
             Treatment involves killing the S. lupi worms   warm and cosy conditions in our heated   any animal suspected of being rabid, and
             and simple infections caught early may   homes are just as ideal for them to thrive   without an up to date vaccination history
             respond to anti-parasitic drug treatments   in, as in the sweltering summer temps.   that has bitten another animal or human,

             repeated over time. However, advanced   Veterinary hospitals deal with plenty of   may be confiscated and destroyed. If you
             spirocercosis that has become cancerous   cases of biliary in winter, almost all of them   take your pets on trips, please always travel       DON’T FORGET TO ENTER OUR
             cannot be treated and all that can be done   due to pet parents relaxing their parasite   with your vaccination certificate or the

             is to alleviate the symptoms and relieve   treatment. And another word to the wise:   contact details of your veterinarian, who                  RESTAURANT COMPETITION
             pain.                              NEVER rely on home remedies like garlic   can provide proof of your pet’s vaccination

                                                or any of the host of flaky concoctions   history.
             Preventable!  The highest prevalence of   that pepper the internet - your pets need
             S. lupi is in Gauteng and KZN, so monthly   tried and tested, scientifically researched   The first vaccine is given from 3 months

             deworming with Milbemax (Elanco) or spot-  parasite control measures in order to   of age and repeated before the animal is
             on treatment with Advocate (Bayer) in these   stay safe, and these need to be dosed/  1 year old. Thereafter, a booster vaccine
             areas is a must. These products are available   applied strictly according to the package   must be administered every 3 years.
             from TW. We can even set up notes on our   guidelines to ensure efficacy. Ask the TW   In some parts of SA, like KZN, and for

             system to provide them whenever your   Team for their recommendation of the   travelling pets, annual vaccinations are

             pooches visit us for grooming.     best tick and flea prevention product to   usually required.
                                                suit your and your pets’ lifestyles, as well as
             BILIARY (DOGS. CATS ONLY IN        your budget. Again, we can assist you with   FELINE LEUKAEMIA VIRUS (CATS)
             COASTAL AREAS)                     reminders when your furballs join us for   Feline Leukaemia Virus, or FeLV, is
             Biliary, similar to Tick Bite Fever in humans,   their Spa days.       increasingly a cause of death of cats in
             is a very common killer of dogs in this                                South Africa. 85% of infected cats die within
             country. The biliary parasite is transmitted   RABIES (ALL MAMMALS, HUMANS)  3 years of contracting it, as it suppresses
             through the saliva of infected ticks which,   The Rabies virus is transmitted when an   the immune system and predisposes

             in turn, are infected by feeding off infected   infected animal bites another animal or a   them to deadly infections. FeLV cannot be
             dogs. Once the parasites are in the blood   person. Additionally, infected saliva that   transmitted to people or dogs but is passed
             stream, they multiply and destroy the   encounters a skin wound can spread the   between cats through infected saliva or

             dog’s red blood cells. Red blood cells carry   disease. The virus affects the brain of the   blood (eg. when grooming or fighting) and,

             oxygen throughout the body, so losing   infected mammal, travelling along the   to some extent, urine and poop (sharing
             them results in the symptoms of biliary:   nerves from the site of infection.   litter trays). Kittens can contract the disease
             pale or yellow gums, fever, listlessness,                              in the womb, or through their mum’s milk.
             decreased appetite and red urine.  These   The incubation period can vary greatly   Preventable! FeLV may be spread by cats
             symptoms start about 10 - 21 days after   from weeks to months, so it’s vital that any   who appear to be healthy, so it’s important
             the initial bite. Another tick-borne disease,   animal or person who has been bitten by a   to have all cats tested for it. Cats living
             Ehrlichia, often occurs together with   suspected rabid animal receives immediate   in multi-cat environments, including
             biliary, as they are transmitted by the same   attention. The only way to confirm that   residential complexes, should be vaccinated

             ticks, and blood tests will reveal if a dog   an animal is rabid is on post mortem,   against it.
             has one or the other, or both. Biliary isn’t   which means that the animal suspected of
             contagious, but dogs exposed to the same   being rabid must be euthanised and sent   Healthy but FeLV-positive cats should
             infected ticks can develop it - ie. all dogs in   for examination. Once symptoms have   always be sterilised and, ideally, kept
             your household may be at risk.     developed, the disease is incurable and   indoors. New cats or kittens over eight
                                                always results in death.            weeks of age should be tested for the
             Treatment ideally involves hospitalisation                             virus before being introduced to a multi-
             as, in severe cases, a blood transfusion   All the symptoms of rabies relate to   cat household. Most vets caution against
             may even be necessary. It’s vital to seek   inflammation of the brain and subsequent   introducing a new cat into a household

             treatment a.s.a.p.                 neurological disfunction. Hyper-salivation   with a FeLV-positive cat, because the
                                                (frothing at the mouth) and hydrophobia   new kitty may be at risk of contracting
             Preventable!  Religious dosing with an   (fear of water) are mostly associated with   the infection – even with vaccination.

             effective tick and flea treatment eg. Seresto   rabies and occur as the animal or person   Additionally, the stress of a newcomer

             collar (Bayer), Bravecto (MSD) or Nexgard   desperately wants to quench their thirst   could affect the immunity of the FeLV-
             (Boehringer-Ingelheim) oral tablets; or   but cannot swallow. Rabid animals may   positive cat.
             It’s a relief to know that many of the most serious disease
             threats to our beloved pets are entirely avoidable if we
             ensure that their vaccination and parasite-prevention     A microscopic view
             programmes are kept up to date. Chat to your vet about    of a blood slide with
                                                                       the teardrop shaped
             their recommended vaccination protocol (these may vary    biliary parasite

             in different parts of the country, or for individual pets) and   (Babesia canis) inside
             set calendar reminders to guarantee that you never skip   a red blood cell of a
             parasite control doses.
             Article courtesy of Twisted Whiskers in Hobart Centre, Bryanston.
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