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                                                                                  The therapeutic riding team - a
                                                                                  horse, a leader, a rider and two
                                                                                  sidewalkers, one of which is also an
                                                                                  Occupational Therapist

            enhancing sensory input. This kind of input   RELEASING TENSION         management staff and public relations staff. The
            cannot be reproduced in any other therapy.   The HeartMath Institute has been researching   two live-in grooms are invaluable in taking care
            The vestibular system works closely with the   the intelligence of the heart for some time, and   of the horses’ living environments and preparing
            proprioceptive system, encouraging balance   results have shown that the heart generates   them for their work. The ground staff maintain
            and equilibrium reactions, as well as body and   WKH ODUJHVW HOHFWURPDJQHWLF ÀHOG LQ WKH ERG\    the sensory trail, and look after the arenas,
            spatial awareness of the most beneficial   Heart-rhythm coherence refers to a resting   gardens as well as the indigenous grassland
            kind – this involves approximately 1 000   heart rhythm that is smooth and consistent;   paddock. The centre strives to work in a way
            random movements in 10 minutes to which   where energy is conserved because our   that does no harm, and, in many ways, helps
            the rider has to respond involuntarily.  The   systems are performing optimally, and there is   to regenerate the environment. The ground
            vestibular system gives us the ability to stand   synchronization between the heart, respiratory   staff look after a biogas digester which reduces
            and balance, and the proprioceptive system   system, and blood-pressure. A person who is   dependency on electricity. They look after the
            enables us to know where we are in space.   under stress is not in a coherent state. If living   property’s soil health that supports a variety of
            The digestive system is also stimulated by the   in species-appropriate conditions, the horse   wildlife as well as the indigenous plant habitats
            horse’s movement which can be immensely   maintains heart rhythm coherence, so when   that the Centre is actively rebuilding.
            helpful to a person whose ability to eliminate   a person steps into a horse’s electromagnetic
            is reduced because of their disability.   ÀHOG  WKHLU KHDUW UDWH DXWRPDWLFDOO\ EHJLQV WR   All of this comes together to build an environment
                                                adapt to that of the horse. This means that   in which the EARTH Centre horses provide
            Horse riding has a positive effect on high and   the horse brings your heart rhythm towards   stimulus and enjoyment, which revitalise our
            low muscle tone; it helps to eliminate spastic   an alignment with his own coherent state.   lives by taking us back to our roots, to nature,
            muscle patterns whilst neck, back, limb and   With improved coherence, built-up emotional   to movement and to adventure which is not
            trunk control starts to improve. The rider will   tensions in people may begin to be released.  dependent on physical strength for its successful
            feel a change in their posture, improvement                             partnership, but love and mutual understanding.
            in range of motion, awareness, symmetry,   THE TEAM
            balance and co-ordination. Riding also   At the EARTH Centre, our therapeutic horse   HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT OUR WORK?
            provides an exciting way to perform crucial   riding programmes require a team consisting of   This type of work requires numerous resources
            motor skill exercises that are interesting to   the instructor, one leader per horse, one or two   including ongoing funding.
            engage in. In addition, the physical warmth   side-walkers to stabilise the child on the horse’s
            of the horse is another one of its powerful   back, and, of course, the horse and rider. Each   Hay for a Day – Sign up for a debit order of
            therapeutic qualities which helps to relax and   member of the team plays a unique role to   just R99 per month to help the centre cover
            release tight and spastic muscles.  ensure the rider receives the most effective   the costs of feeding 16 horses and 2 miniature
                                                therapy. The instructor’s role is in the mounting   donkeys.
            In general, individuals with disabilities   and dismounting procedures, to supervise
            are very often socially and psychologically   the horse’s activity during the session and to   Corporate Social Investment (CSI) – Sponsor
            isolated. By riding and caring for a horse, the   orchestrate the learning for the child on the   a child or a school group, a horse or other
            disabled person builds a pure and trusting   horse. The leader directs the horse's movement   operating costs. Your company will be issued
            relationship with another being; this effect is   according to the instructor’s lesson plan.   ZLWK D 6HFWLRQ   $ 7D[ &HUWLÀFDWH DQG FDQ
            often translated into relationships with the   The side-walker is responsible for safety and   claim B-BBEE points.
            people in their lives. The horse effectively   assisting the rider with exercises as directed by
            becomes the legs of the disabled person   the instructor. Each rider is assessed according   Join our Golf Day – ‘Swing into Spring’ is being
            and elevates them to a position where they   to their needs and paired with the appropriate   held at the home of the SA Open - Randpark
            are not always looking up at someone, but   team. The riders participate either in a group   Golf Club on Tuesday, 3 September. Costs
            are themselves directing another being, and   therapy session or individual private session up   are: 4-ball - R5 000 / Golf carts - R400 / Hole
            seeing the environment from a position of   to 30 minutes long, which will include a variety   Sponsorship - R3 500 / Package Deal of a hole
            power.                              of exercises and activities, as well as instruction   DQG D   EDOO   5
                                                in horse riding skills.
            The risk factor of riding is key to learning - it                       7KH ($57+ &HQWUH LV D UHJLVWHUHG 1RQ 3URÀW
            is a valuable means of increasing attention   The EARTH Centre currently assists children   &RPSDQ\                   1RQ 3URÀW
            span and challenging the rider. Like with   from 11 special needs schools. Over a one-year   2UJDQLVDWLRQ            3XEOLF %HQHÀW
            animals such as dogs and dolphins, just   period, the Centre provides approximately           RUJDQLVDWLRQ                DQG LV 6HFWLRQ
            being around a horse is healing in its own   6 500 half hour therapy sessions to almost     D DQG OHYHO   % %%(( FRPSOLDQW
            right - they accept us unconditionally, just   200 children, as well as Equine Assisted   &RQWDFW GHWDLOV
            as we are. They do not see disability, race or
            as                                  Learning programmes for corporate clients,
            social status. They have no need to judge,   individuals and vulnerable youth.
            which helps to set a space for healing to                               Below is a link to a video of our work
            begin. n.                           The Centre employs a wonderful team of equine
             Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3• 2019
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