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Throwing a ball
                                                                                                   whilst on a moving
                                                                                                   horse develops gross
                                                                                                   motor skills
                                                         THE EARTH


                                                  Kyalami Estates residents are invited to   therapeutic horse riding also extend beyond
                                                  sign up for The EARTH Centre’s ‘Swing into   the children, positively affecting the quality
                                                  Spring’ Golf Day on Tuesday, 3 September   of life for parents, friends and carers within
                                                  2019, at the Randpark Golf Club.   surrounding communities, and continue even
                                                                                     after leaving the programme.
                                                    f you own a horse or have been around
                                                    horses, you may have noticed their   HOW IT WORKS
                                                  Iremarkable ability to naturally be present   Riding a horse teaches new skills, and
                                                  DQG LQÀQLWHO\ DZDUH RI RWKHUV· HPRWLRQDO   learning skills is a challenge in every sport.
                                                  states. In addition to this, the unique   In this instance, however, the challenge
                                                  movement of the horse, coupled with its   presents an extra dimension because the
                                                  temperament and sensitivity, has rendered   horse is a large animal, he has feelings and
                                                  it the perfect animal for physical therapy for   a will of his own, is sensitive, intuitive and
                                                  SHRSOH  D EHQHÀW GLVFRYHUHG LQ 5RPH DURXQG   has enormous strength. To ride a horse in
                                                  600BC.                             a successful partnership and with a high
            A team of two side-walkers and the instructor
                                                                                     degree of safety requires discipline of body
            lift a Cerebral Palsy rider onto his horse
                                                  Therapeutic horse riding is a multi-faceted   and mind, as well as the development of tact,
                                                  therapy modality for people with a variety of   sympathy and patience. It is this challenge
                                                  disabilities. It utilises the inherent traits of the   which provides a never-ending goal for every
                                                  horse and through them teaches the skill of   rider, whether disabled or able bodied.
                                                  riding. Therapeutic riding is known to enhance   Therapeutic horse riding is a unique
                                                  physical, emotional, social, cognitive,   opportunity for any person:
                                                  behavioural and developmental skills.  ‡ ZKHUH WKHUDS\ LPSURYHV VHOI FRQÀGHQFH
                                                                                     and is fun;
                                                  7KH ($57+ &HQWUH  D 1RQ 3URÀW &RPSDQ\   ‡ ZKHUH RQH OHDUQV UHODWLRQDO VNLOOV LQ RUGHU WR
                                                  based in Ruimsig, specialises in therapeutic   connect with animals, and other beings;
                                                  horse riding, mainly for disabled children from   ‡ ZKHUH KRUVH ULGLQJ DQG  LQ IDFW  ZLGHU
                                                  disadvantaged communities. Weekly therapy   life skills, like self-regulation and decision-
                                                  riding sessions help these children to begin   making, are learned in an experiential setting.
                                                  to overcome their disabilities, thereby setting
                                                  them up with the possibility of integrating into   Just by sitting on a moving horse, the three-
                                                  society. The Centre aims to empower children   dimensional movement at a walk (forward
                                                  with disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Down   and back, side to side, up and down)
                                                  Syndrome, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Foetal Alcohol   automatically stimulates the muscles in
                                                  6\QGURPH  6SLQD %LÀGD  JHQHWLF GLVRUGHUV DQG   our hips that we use to walk. The rhythmic
                           Relational skills are
                           developed as the rider   KHDULQJ YLVXDO LPSDLUPHQW  7KH EHQHÀWV RI   movement activates the vestibular system
                           succesfully connects
                           with another being
                                                                                    Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019
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