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                              TALKING TAX

                   ailing from East London, Lungelwa   WORKSHOPS AND MENTORING     to remember to submit their provisional tax
                   Simani-Nobangule is carving a niche   PROGRAMMES                returns and, if they earn over R1-million within a
              Hfor herself here in Gauteng, helping   Simani-Nobangule's B.Com degree from   12-month period, they have to be registered for
              small businesses with their tax challenges as   Rhodes University, as well as her memberships   VAT. They need to have all their paperwork and
              well as advising them on how to improve their   of the SA Institute of Tax Practitioners and   clearances up to date in order to be paid by the
              bottom line.                       the SA Institute of Professional Accountants,   government departments. Assisting with these
                                                 provide the foundation on which her business   requirements is something that we handle with
              Having worked for SARS for 12 years as an   solidly stands. Her reputation has grown to the   ease, so the business owner can get on with the
              assessor and later running a special unit that   point that she’s now mentoring and training   other essentials of running their business.”
              audited questionable tax return submissions,   small business owners. “I was approached by
              Simani-Nobangule came to understand   the Eastern Cape Development Corporation   )URP 5       VWDUW XS FRVW WR DFKLHYLQJ RYHU
              many of the issues that small businesses   to train other small businesses to become   R1-million turnover per annum, one could say
              IDFH  6HHLQJ WKH JDS LQ WKH ÀQDQFLDO DGYLVRU\   more sustainable. I run workshops teaching   this lady knows what she’s doing. All things
              sector, she opened Kaizen Tax Consultants in   entrepreneurs the basics, from managing their   considered, your business would be in good
              East London in 2011. Three years later, after   books to advising them on the importance of   hands - you should call her!
              having won an Eskom Business Investment   being tax compliant,” says Simani-Nobangule.
              Competition, she expanded her operation   “I also help entrepreneurs who do business   If you would like assistance with your
              to Gauteng. She has hired and trained   with government – in the industry, they’re called   ÀQDQFLDO DQG WD[ DIIDLUV  FRQWDFW /XQJHOZD
              competent staff in both centres and she   ‘tender-preneurs’. For them, tax clearance   Simani-Nobangule at Kaizen Tax Consultants
              now divides her time between East London   FHUWLÀFDWHV IURP 6$56 DUH YLWDO  7KHVH DUH   by emailing:, or visit:
              and Johannesburg, to make sure everything   now renewable every month and the tax   http://www.
              runs smoothly. In addition to helping   status is linked to the CSD system. They have   WhatsApp: 083 413 7832
              small businesses with their tax and VAT
              administration, Kaizen Tax Consultants also
              handles company books and helps its clients
              ha                                                 ”
                                                                we stimulate the economy and
                                                                                    ”                                  39
                                                                HYHU\RQH EHQHÀWV
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                                                                                     Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019
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