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                          MAD  MIKE  HOARE:

                                              THE LEGEND

                    In 1964 and 1965, Colonel Mike                                                      Chris Hoare
                                                                                                        (left) with his
                    Hoare led 300 ‘Wild Geese’                                                          Dad, Mad
                    across the Congo to crush a                                                         Mike Hoare
                    communist rebellion, rescue
                    2 000 nuns and priests from
                    barbarity, beat Che Guevara …
                    and become a legend.

                    %RUQ LQ &DOFXWWD RQ 6W 3DWULFN·V 'D\     0DUFK       DQG
                    of Irish blood, Thomas Michael Bernard Hoare was sent
                    along with his brother, Alick, to boarding school in England
                    D EULOOLDQW FULFNHWHU  $IWHU VFKRRO  KH ZDV DUWLFOHG WR D ÀUP   It was while living in Durban that Mike embarked on a series
                    of chartered accountants until World War 2 interrupted his   of adventures that included a few trans-Africa motorbike
                    mundane lifestyle.                           trips, blue water sailing, exploring remote areas, and leading
                                                                 safaris in the Kalahari Desert.
                    During the war, Mike built up a sterling reputation, being
                    named at one stage as the ‘best bloody soldier in the British   During one of his excursions in the Kalahari, he got to know
                    $UP\·  $IWHU WKH ZDU  KH TXDOLÀHG LQ /RQGRQ DV D FKDUWHUHG   a CIA agent who was to change his life … (and, as it turned
                    accountant and emigrated to South Africa.    out, Nelson Mandela’s!).

                                                                 ,Q      0LNH OHG    ¶)URWKEORZHUV· LQ D ELG WR GHSRVH WKH
                                                                 socialist government of the Seychelles.
                                                                 Things went wrong and Mike spent three years in jail for
                                                                 KLMDFNLQJ D %RHLQJ
                                                                 Mike Hoare, who turned 100 in March this year, was often
                                                                 described as a brilliant leader. Any reader of this book
                                                                 should make sure to read the Appendices, in particular,
                                                                 Appendix C, A Lecture on Man Management and
                                                                 /HDGHUVKLS. “A leader is only as good as the sum of his men;
                                                                 but let me also assure you that a good leader can raise this
                                                                 sum to the power of ten, by caring for his men, setting a
                                                                 JRRG H[DPSOH  DQG OHDGLQJ ZLWK D ÀUP KDQG µ KH VD\V
                                                                 After reading the enthralling tale of Mike Hoare’s escapades,
                                                                 Frederick Forsyth, author of 7KH 'RJV RI :DU and 7KH 'D\
                                                                 of the Jackal, said, “I found this book a cracking read and
                                                                 recommend it to those who want to miss a night’s sleep.”

                                                                 Al J Venter, the well-known war writer, wrote: “7KH /HJHQG is
                                                                 exceptionally well written. Chris handled his Dad’s story with
                                                                 remarkable clarity and insight.”
                                                                 ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                                                                 Chris Hoare is the eldest son of ‘Mad Mike’. He went to
                                                                 school at Michaelhouse, has a Bachelor’s Degree from the
                                                                 University of Natal in South Africa, and has spent most of
                                                                 his working life in journalism. With unique access to Mike
                                                                 and his story, it took Chris about 12 years, working between
                                                                 times, to research and write this authoritative biography.

                                                                 AVAILABLE from:
                                                                 Bookshops in South Africa and UK
                                                                 Recommended retail price: R395,00
                                                                 PUBLISHED by:
                                                                 Partners in Publishing, Durban, 2018

                                                                The Legend LV H[FHSWLRQDOO\ ZHOO
                                                                ZULWWHQ  &KULV KDQGOHG KLV 'DG·V VWRU\
                                                                ZLWK UHPDUNDEOH FODULW\ DQG LQVLJKW        ”
             Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019
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