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            MESSAGE  TO  THE

            CLASS  OF  2019

                 t the start of the year, I encouraged our    , GRQ W KDYH YHU\ PXFK WLPH WKHVH GD\V VR , OO
                 students to try hard and go beyond their   PDNH LW TXLFN  /LNH P\ OLIH
            Alimits. It’s encouraging to see that many
            have made it. If you have tried your best, and have   <RX NQRZ  DV ZH FRPH WR WKH HQG RI WKLV SKDVH
            become a better person, I commend you. You have   RI RXU OLYHV  ZH ÀQG RXUVHOYHV WU\LQJ WR UHPHPEHU
            done a great job! Your effort and labour will be the   WKH JRRG WLPHV DQG WU\LQJ WR IRUJHW WKH EDG WLPHV
                                                  DQG ZH ÀQG RXUVHOYHV WKLQNLQJ DERXW WKH IXWXUH
            building blocks of your future success.
                                                  :H VWDUW WR ZRUU\  WKLQNLQJ  :KDW DP , JRQQD GR"
                                                   :KHUH DP , JRQQD EH LQ WHQ \HDUV"
            As students entering the exam season, you stand
            today on the precipice of the future. It's not a
            distant reality anymore. It begins here. It begins   %XW , VD\ WR \RX   +H\  ORRN DW PH   3OHDVH  GRQ W
            today. You began high school as children, but   ZRUU\ VR PXFK  EHFDXVH LQ WKH HQG QRQH RI XV KDYH
            soon you're leaving as adults. You've completed   YHU\ ORQJ RQ WKLV HDUWK   OLIH LV ÁHHWLQJ  $QG LI \RX UH
            an education that will serve as the platform you   HYHU GLVWUHVVHG  FDVW \RXU H\HV WR WKH VXPPHU VN\
            will use to launch yourselves into your futures.   ZKHQ WKH VWDUV DUH VWUXQJ DFURVV WKH YHOYHW\ QLJKW
            Some of you will go on to university, others will go   DQG ZKHQ D VKRRWLQJ VWDU VWUHDNV WKURXJK WKH
            straight into the workforce, but each of you will   EODFNQHVV WXUQLQJ QLJKW LQWR GD\  PDNH D ZLVK DQG
            travel your own path. No matter where you go or   think of me.
            what you do, there are challenges ahead of you.
            What I'm asking from each of you, is to meet those   0DNH \RXU OLIH VSHFWDFXODU  , NQRZ , GLG
            challenges straight on with your head held high   KWWSV   ZZZ \RXWXEH FRP ZDWFK"Y ,3;Z6 M 7 (
            and your heart wide open.
                                                  RUI MORAIS
            It's not enough to simply try to get by in life. That   HEADMASTER AT ST PETER’S COLLEGE
            doesn't move the world forward. You must try to excel
            in everything you do; strive for excellence in every
            task, large or small. Although it may not be easy to
            see, every accomplishment you achieve is added
            to the world's accomplishments. Your individual
            you succeed, you lighten the burden on your fellow
            man. When you succeed, you are in a position to give
            rather than take. Imagine if every individual lived up
            to his or her own potential. Think about how amazing
            that would be, and how much better off the world
            would be.

            My challenge to each of you, is to do all that you can
            do to reach your full potential. If each of the Matric
            students in the Class of 2019 is able to do that, just
            imagine the effect that would have. The future is truly
            in your hands, so make the most of it.
            In the movie “Jack”, Robin Williams plays the role
            of Jack Powell, a boy who ages four times faster
            than normal as a result of Werner Syndrome,
            a form of progeria. He delivers the valedictory
            speech, in which he reminds his classmates that
            life is sh                                              Whatever you do,
            life is short, and urges them to “Make Your Life
                                                                    make it count
             Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2019
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