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programme and a philosophy focused around what is best for the child.
on improving individual motivation Our teachers are truly invested in the
towards autonomy, mastery and academic and emotional well-being
purpose. of their students and form personal
relationships with each individual,”
At the heart of St Peter’s educational says Matthews.
journey is their focus on preparing
its students for the world they are “We have had several personal losses
entering and teaching them the coping at the school during 2021 and the
mechanisms they require. In Matric, school community has come together Just breathe. You are
the Academic Assistance Programme to offer support. As a school family,
supports students struggling with the we appreciate the many blessings we strong enough to handle
academic demands of Grade 12, and have in our lives and realise that we
stretches academically strong students cannot take anything for granted. The your challenges, wise
to achieve their potential. The support past two years of living through the enough to find a solution
structure that enables St Peter’s pandemic have taught our teachers
students to reach readiness is built to the value of flexibility, while our and capable enough to
ensure that no child is left behind. students have learnt to embrace
change as part and parcel of life. All do whatever needs to be
“Our holistic approach to education great life lessons!"
is aimed at producing a well-rounded done. (
student at the end of the five-year The College salutes the achievements
journey. The students are our of the Class of 2021, both individually
focus, with Academic and Pastoral and as a group, and takes this
departments working together to opportunity to wish the graduates
ensure that all decisions are made every success for the future.
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2022 15