Page 19 - Kyalami_Issue 1_2022
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          PROBLEM-SOLVING BUILDS             Consideration and empathy:       When a situation arises, calmly
          SKILLS                              If the problem involves others,   talk to your child and help
          Did you know that problem-          your child will learn to be      them to outline the problem.
          solving skills result in an array   empathetic. There are two or     Remember to avoid judgement.
          of other, different skills being    more sides to many problematic   Don’t push hard for an outcome;
          developed? Some of these are        situations, and by considering   rather let them rationalise what
          listed below, along with tips on    how the other person thinks      they may do and guide them
          how you can hone each one:          or feels – thinking about their   gently when they are off track.
           Logic: In talking through a       perspective or experience – your   If they come up with a good idea
           problem, your child will learn     child will gain a heightened     or solution, praise them – this
           to break down a situation into     sense of understanding,          will empower them and make
           smaller parts or facts. This       awareness and empathy.           them feel proud of themselves,
           helps in a conflict situation,                                      knowing they are able to think
           for example, where they learn    EMPOWER THEM                       of solutions, solve problems or
           to separate the facts from       As a parent, your instinct is to   think of the effect on others (the
           the story so that only the       solve problems for your child. It   empathy previously mentioned).
           facts are dealt with. If it is   is quicker and easier, but you
           a multifaceted problem, this     are not doing them any favours –   Engaging in a constructive
           process breaks it up into        because they will need to acquire   conversation also creates a safe
           smaller pieces that fit together   and apply the skill of problem-  space for your child. It builds
           so that they can think about     solving all through life, from     trust, so your child will learn that
           each piece and then what they    childhood to adolescence and on    they can always come to you for
           would like to do to address      to adulthood. As with anything in   guidance.
           it. They will discover that, in   life, this needs plenty of practice
           most instances, the issue is     in different scenarios.            This approach can also be used
           far smaller than they thought                                       in situations where your child is
           it was – and much easier to      The question you may now ask       misbehaving. Instead of yelling
           resolve.                         is: “How do I teach this in the    at them and telling them they
           Confidence: Once your child     moment?”                           are naughty, sit them down and
           realises that they are in control                                   start a constructive conversation.
           and are capable of resolving     In an immediate situation, apply   Allow them to think through
           something, they’ll start to gain   the concepts relating to action,   why they are behaving that
           confidence. This will allow them   lack of action, outcomes, or     way, knowing that it is wrong or
           to become more independent       consequences. For example, you     unacceptable.
           and less reliant on you to help   can apply the skills of problem-
           them work things out.            solving to a simple situation like   Some of these situations may
           Resilience and coping skills:   your child leaving their toys in a   create strong emotions – your
           As previously discussed,         mess. Address the situation by     child may feel scared, sad, angry,
           conflict and challenges are      saying to your child: “Why are all   frustrated or worried. Let them
           part of life. This skill will equip   your toys lying everywhere? What   cry or express their frustration so
           your child to tackle problems    if someone trips over them and     they get to explore how they feel.
           head-on, instead of shying       hurts themself or accidentally     Once the situation is over, help
           away from them and letting a     stands on your toys and breaks     them reflect on their choices and
           molehill grow into a mountain.   them? That will make you sad,      the outcome and how it made
           They will learn that there is    won’t it? Please pack them         them feel afterwards.
           a solution to every problem      away so that nothing bad can
           and everything turns out         happen.” You’re dealing with the   Finally, remember that we learn a
           okay; maybe not exactly as       concepts of action, lack of action   great deal from making mistakes.
           they hoped, but life goes on     and consequences, all in a non-    It is how we manage them that
           nonetheless.                     confrontational manner.            matters.

                                                                                 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2022  17
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