Page 25 - Kyalami_Issue 1_2022
P. 25


                  lthough it's already February,
                  the year is still relatively
                  young so, along with all
         Ayour resolutions, intentions
         and plans for 2022, why not include
         something that is sure to bring more
         joy into your life and positively influence
         those around you?

         Here are some ways you can do just that,
         beginning with yourself.

         1. WATCH YOUR WORDS                                                                                      Photographer: Priscilla du Preez, Unsplash
         This does not mean what you say out
         loud to others, but rather, your internal
         dialogue: what you say to yourself. If
         someone had to talk to you the way you
         spoke to yourself, what would you think
         of them?
                                            So to get the best from your mind, ask   develop into more conscious, integrated
         Negative self-talk is a hard habit to break,   the right questions in the right way. You   and happy people.
         so the best way to manage it is to catch   will be amazed at what comes up when
         yourself in the act. By pretending you are   you shift your language to positivity.  Have a read of an excerpt from my
         talking to someone else, you can hear                                 blog [visit:]
         how you really sound and how the words   2. INVEST IN YOUR WELL-BEING  entitled What-Are-Healthy-Boundaries.
         actually feel to you. Once you decide the   It is much harder to be a better person
         words are not helpful or constructive, you   when you are in pain or are suffering. So   5. INVEST IN QUALITY TIME
         can recalibrate your language.     instead of ignoring whatever is physically   Ten minutes of your total presence is
                                            or mentally ailing you, be brave enough to   better than two hours of your time when
         Try this, if you find yourself going down the   address it and get the help you need.  you are distracted, frustrated and distant.
         “what if?” road, e.g. “What if I fail? What                           Not only is it better for the other person,
         if I am not good enough? What if they find   3. DO SOMETHING NEW      but also for you, because it can help you
         out I don't know what I'm doing?” and so   When was the last time you did   better prioritise your time and it allows
         on . . . choose at that moment to flip the   something for the first time?  you to use your attention and energy
         question around. “What if I win? What if I                            more efficiently.
         succeed? What if this all works out well?”   Many people get too caught up in their
         Think of your mind like Google. Whatever   attempts to become experts, or the   6. LISTEN MORE
         question you ask, it will find the answer.   go-to-person, or the top dog, for many   Listening without giving advice or
                                            reasons – success, achievement,    criticising is a sure way to create deeper,
                                            personal mastery. But the freedom and   more authentic connections with others,
                                            childlike enthusiasm that comes from   especially those closest to you, like
                                            doing something outside of your comfort   your children and partners, who you
                                            zone are not only great for your soul, they   spend most of your time with and who
                                            open your mind to new perspectives,   often bear the brunt of your venting and
                                            which create understanding, empathy and   tempers on bad days. Everyone feels
                                            compassion, and that makes you a better   more appreciated and understood when
                                            person.                            they feel heard. So by enhancing your
                                                                               listening skills, you are sure to become a
                                            FOR YOUR FRIENDS                   better person.
                                            AND FAMILY
                                            Now that you have considered yourself
                                            first, the next stage involves your inner
         Photographer: 21LYqbqre8w, Unsplash  BOUNDARIES                                                          Photographer: Sergiu Valena, Unsplash
                                            4. CREATE HEALTHY

                                            Being a better person does not mean
                                            allowing people to walk over you, and
                                            creating boundaries is not about pushing
                                            people away or shutting them out.

                                            Unlike walls that we put up to hide parts
                                            of ourselves, boundaries are there to
                                            protect us and allow us to grow and

                                                                                 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2022  23
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