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                  change in ownership of the property or a change   the lease agreement, and be included in any
                  in bank accounts when joint landlords change their   eviction processes if they become necessary.
                  own relationship status, you need to make sure   While it may be tempting to contract with only a
                  you are paying the right person. Making this clear   primary contact to ‘keep it simple’ the reality is,
                  in the contract makes it easier for the channels of   neglecting to contract all parties leads to legal
                  communication to remain open and a solid flow of   battles that are anything but simple, especially if
                  where the money is routed to be established.   it involves a couple that has split up.

                  LANDLORDS                                   Shanaaz explains, “We have seen a case where
                  Sign up all your tenants                    there was a lease signed with one partner and,
                  As a landlord, there is always the chance that you   post break-up, the unsigned partner was left in
                  can be defrauded, so it is extremely important that   occupation, without the ability to keep up full
                  you put your tenants through a thorough vetting   payments. Unfortunately, the landlord did not have
                  process. Some individuals may be trying to dodge   documentation that could be enforced against
                  the consequences of their bad decisions that are   this individual as he was not on the lease at all.”
                  reflected in their records, by not signing the lease
                  themselves. To avoid any surprises, make sure   “Of course, there are always legal remedies, but
                  that all legal adults (18 years or older) living on   they mean lengthy, costly and draining months
                  your property are contracted and have signed the   of legal back and forth where you cannot get
                  lease.                                      another tenant into the property and earn the
                                                              income you were counting on. Since neither of
                  This is fundamental, as it allows for legal action to   these parties updated the documentation, all
                  be enforced on all parties living on the property.   arrears had to be recovered from the partner who
                  They can then be held equally accountable for   signed the lease but had moved out. As unfair as
                  the settlement of the obligation mentioned in   the situation seems, at the end of the day, the
                                                              legal documentation is what is enforced,” says

                                                              Rental Income
                                                              If you have changed the ownership of your
                                                              investment property, as a landlord, you need
                                                              to understand that the rental revenue and
                                                              obligations belong to the party or parties to whom
                                                              the property is registered. But be aware that
                                                              registration could be subject to trust deeds, or
                                                              settlement agreements.

                                                              Property owners also need to be clear on what
                                                              is listed on the deed and update it immediately
                                                              should there be changes to trusts, beneficiaries
                                                              or any recipients of the returns associated with
                                                              the property.  Changing legal documents such
                                                              as trust deeds unilaterally can be considered
                                                              fraudulent and can result in criminal charges for
                                                              landlords who receive rental that is not legally

                                                              Going through these levels of scrutiny to ensure
                                                              that you are not open to these risks as tenants or
                                                              landlords may seem unnecessary in the midst of
                                                              a dream marriage or relationship but these risks
                                                              are all too real.  Sad as it may be, planning for
                                                              the worst and trusting that the best happens is a
                                                              far greater strategy for long term happiness than
                                                              being duped or dumped.

                                                              Shanaaz Trethewey , CEO of RentMaster.

                                                                                 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2022  27
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