Page 26 - Kyalami_Issue 1_2022
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Your circle of influence also extends
into the community. To make a positive
impact, consider these suggestions on
how to be a better person to and for
7. SHARE POSITIVE REVIEWS Photographer: Stefano Intintoli, Unsplash
There is nothing more uplifting and
inspiring than coming across a message
or post praising good customer service. It
is easy to complain – I am not saying you
shouldn't. By all means, complain if the
result will render a constructive solution.
But most of the time, complaints are FOR THE PLANET 11. GIVE TO YOUR CAUSE
made in the moment and out of anger. To “It is our collective and individual Whatever your passion, the environment,
be a better person within your community, responsibility . . . to preserve and tend animal shelters, the Church, old age
share honest, constructive and well- to the world in which we all live.” homes, childcare centres, schools, human
thought-out comments and reviews. – Dalai Lama rights groups, sea rescues, medical
research, blood donations or supporting
8. SUPPORT LOCAL 10. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE up-and-coming artists, give what you can
Aim to be more conscious of how you In whatever way you can, become with what you have. Money is not the only
show support as a consumer. Instead of conscious of your waste; this can and form of value to these organisations. You
buying coffee from a major international will have a profound impact on the overall can give your time, talents, connections
franchise, consider supporting a local health of our planet. or even a gesture written in your last will
brand or a one-person enterprise. They and testament to make a difference.
will most likely offer you better service Many retailers have made good progress 12. GET PERSPECTIVE
and give you a better experience because in reducing single-use plastics, but “You develop an instant global
your business is valuable to them. there is still a long way to go. Wherever
possible, support brands and retailers consciousness, a people orientation, an
9. PAY IT FORWARD that have made an effort in this regard. intense dissatisfaction with the state of
the world, and a compulsion to do
This is a simple yet profound philosophy something about it.” – Edgar Mitchell,
that has the power to change the world. As the saying goes: One person’s trash Apollo 14 astronaut
is another’s treasure! So, another way
A simple act of kindness or a gesture to manage waste products is through The overview effect is a phrase coined
of generosity can shape and change recycling and donations. You would be by astronauts when they get their first
another's life. If you have been fortunate amazed at the countless opportunities glimpse of the earth from space, or more
enough to have had someone in your life there are to recycle items you no longer formally, a shift in consciousness that
give you an opportunity or believe in your need, from old clothes to electronics astronauts commonly experience upon
abilities, you will know how incredible and and furniture, books, cardboard boxes, seeing our floating blue planet from
almost undeserving it felt. If you have not egg cartons, bread clips, milk bottles afar. What these fortunate few people
yet experienced this, consider being the and takeaway containers. Look out for commonly experienced was:
first and then have patience for the echo charities that would love to have these a realisation that people are so
to return to you. items. small compared to the world and the
vastness of space; and that
there are no lines or boundaries
dividing the earth and its people.
The chances of going to space are slim.
Photographer: Madeline Bowen, Unsplash NASA, are dedicated to studying this
To share this wisdom with the world,
several highly regarded organisations
and institutions, like MIT, Harvard and
effect on enhancing humanity from a
psychological, spiritual, economic and
social perspective.
Realising you are part of a much larger
story, many unimportant worries can fade
away. Having a broader perspective on life
become a better person.
24 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2022 can grant you the wisdom to make you