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                                CANNA CONSULTING

                    ever in history has so much been said   conditions.  We call this methodology   play when Cannaconsulting started
                    by so many who know so little....."   Biophilic Cultivation.    collaborating with Cravo, a manufacturer
               NThis statement pretty much sums                                     of retractable roof greenhouse systems
               up the state of the emerging Cannabis   Biophilic  cultivation  extrapolates  from Canada, to deliver a complete
               industry in South Africa. It is a quagmire   cultivation principles from nature itself. We   biophilic cultivation environment.  The
               of half-truths, misinformation, outright lies   think of it as using a technology that comes   Cravo retractable roof technology allows
               and rumors. A wasteland frequented by   from 3.5 billion years of research and   us to reap the full benefits of outdoor
               searchers for truth scouring the hallowed   development with an unlimited budget.   cultivation, i.e high photosynthetic active
               halls of Google for a trustworthy fact or   Interestingly, the use of these natural   radiation (PAR) on the leaf surface and
               two to equip them somehow to run the   principles translates directly to a sound   natural ventilation with the benefits of
               gauntlet known as "grow your own".  economical model as well.  This can be   greenhouse cultivation (protection from
                                                  attributed to the highly efficient manner   frost, rain, hail, and wind, as well as the
               A major contributing factor to this   in which nature applies the minimum   ability to raise humidity) when needed.
               dismal state of affairs is that most of   amount of energy to get the maximum
               the information out there hails from   amount of yield. Biophilic cultivation   This complete Biophilic cultivation method
               the informal sector where cultivators   mimics this principle by focusing on   now forms the core of Cannaconsulting's
               developed   methodologies  under   cultivating soil microbiology that supplies   service offerings. It was packaged with
               prohibition that are simply not valid in the   plants with nutrients rather than on   a set of services that are required to
               new paradigm for various reasons. High   inputting large amounts of commercial   enable a successful grow.  These are
               tech, indoor setups are not economically   fertiliser. In addition to making sure that   SAHPRA compliance, financial modeling
               viable at scale, and broad acre outdoor   our plants receive the correct nutrients in   and off-take brokering, all offered  by
               setups might scale economically, but   the right amounts at the right moment, the   our respective partners chosen for their
               carry huge risk in terms of crop loss to   soil microbiology also interacts with the   expertise in those particular fields.
               environmental damage. Greenhouses   plant's epigenitics to activate the plant's
               might appear to offer the best of both   higher immune pathways that otherwise   Cannaconsulting is currently active in the
               worlds but were developed to grow crops   remain dormant and as such, Biophilic   assembly of almost 40 hectares of Biophilic
               in cold places.  When used in Southern   cultivation not only reduces fertiliser   cannabis operations in Southern Africa for
               Africa, they create more problems   needs but also weens the cultivator off    corporate clients, all of whom interrogated
               than they solve - problems that require   of pesticide dependency. The final piece   our cultivation methods and financial
               constant, expensive remediation.   of the puzzle was recently brought into   models and found them to be feasible. LSA

               As   professional  cultivators  under
               prohibition, Cannaconsulting's founders
               spent decades grappling with the
               variables that have to align for a successful
               Cannabis harvest. Having experimented
               with the entire spectrum of growing
               methodologies ranging from indoor
               hydroponics, soil-less and soil based
               mediums in greenhouses, to large
               outdoor fields in areas where the climate
               constituted the least risk, we ended up
               developing a growing methodology
               uniquely suited to Southern African

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