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The Green Building Coun- The Vodacom Cape Town building which has been accredited with a five
cil South Africa (GBCSA) star Existing Building Performance (EBP), Version 1 Certification by the
develops Green Star SA Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA).
rating tools to provide
an objective measure-
ment for green buildings
in South Africa and Africa.
These tools recognise and
reward environmental
leadership in the property
industry. In February this
year, after implementing a
variety of rigorous sustain-
able interventions, Voda-
com officially launched its
newly refurbished Cen-
tury City building in Cape
Town. The building has time information through the network. design features in the building, including
been accredited with a five This information enables enterprise and the construction of a 542 kWp single roof
star Existing Building Per- business customers to gain insight into photovoltaic solar array on the building.
The installation comprised of about 2000
how their resources are being used.
formance (EBP) Version 1 This enables customers to reduce costs, mono crystalline solar panels onto roof
Certification by the GBCSA. energy and fuel consumption and carbon sheets and 100 % recycled suntabs over a
emissions, thus improving the efficiency 3600 m2 area.
of their operations. Vodacom provides
technology solutions for monitoring water The thinking behind the major
he Vodacom Century City offices and energy consumption, which prevents refurbishments was in recognition of
consist of three floors of office space, wastage from excessive or abnormal the fact that green buildings are not
Twith external and basement parking. usage. solely about reducing energy, but also
The building, constructed in 2000, has about consuming less water, using
now adopted green cleaning principles, At the end of FY 2020, Vodacom Business more sustainable materials, reducing
indoor air quality management and an had the following IoT connections that waste, improving air and light quality,
occupant feedback process. It consumes enabled carbon savings: the restoration of habitat and reducing
even lower resources when compared to • 3000 commercial electricity smart dependency on vehicles.
the GBCSA benchmark building standards. meters;
In addition to reducing its environmental • 7250 residential electricity smart meters; Reducing water and energy usage
impacts, it is also helping its customers to • 483 004 smart logistics and fleet
reduce their carbon emissions through the management capabilities. Vodacom has introduced the following
use of its Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, measures to reduce water and energy
big data and digital products and services Additionally, diesel tank monitoring usage in the building:
which are enabling access to information solutions provide early warning of • intelligent LED lighting operated by
and communication, replacing traditional possible leaks, enabling enterprises to act motion detection that can dim or switch
ways of doing business. timeously to limit the loss and avoid the off when daylight penetration is at the
environmental impact of diesel leakages. desired lux levels;
Vodacom IoT solutions enable objects or • additional fresh air fans were added to
devices such as cars, traffic or streetlights Consulting company WSP Africa oversaw the building to increase the current level
and buildings to send and receive real- the design and implementation of a of fresh air per occupant to 7,5 litres/
number of environmentally sustainable second. This increases air changes over
10 Landscape SA • Issue 94 2020