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           After the National State of Disaster was   Again, extensive consultations with
           declared, SANA held a ZOOM meeting   government ensued, after which they
           where  it was  decided to  prepare   conceded that horticulture, floriculture
           documentation, infographics and posters   and  the entire value  chain  were all  part
           to assist its members in dealing with the   of agriculture and as such, formed part
           COVID-19 pandemic.  They also decided   of “All Agriculture” as listed in Section 1 of
           to postpone their annual convention and   the regulations. They further promised to
           various other projects for the immediate   have the regulations changed to avoid any
           future.  Their consumer marketing arm,   confusion; we are still waiting for this.
           Life is a Garden, was allocated additional
           budget to ramp up marketing and convey   On the 5th of May, SANA received
           the message that gardening was not   confirmation  from  the  Department  of
           cancelled, as well as driving home the   Agriculture allowing its members to open,
           mental and physical benefits of gardening.   subject to certain provisions. Members
                                              were sent a “permit to perform essential
           The green industry as a whole was not   or permitted services” as well as guidelines
           seen  as essential  and SANA  decided   for health and safety in the workplace.
           to embark on an extensive lobbying
           process direct to government through the   As the regulations had not been changed
           Ministers of Agriculture, Trade & Industry   at that stage, they were still open to
           and Environment, Forestry and Fisheries,   interpretation and there were issues with
           as well as through AgriSA.         the South African Police  Services trying
                                              to close down some members’ (and non-  nurseries again but fortunately, with the
           The horticulture industry was already in a   members’) operations.  Fortunately, SANA   help of the Department of Environment,
           crisis due to water scarcity and restrictions,   was able to defend these actions and they   they managed to open again.
           and could not afford to be locked down.   all remained open. Bizarrely, florists were
           Millions of rands worth of perishable plant   being closed down but the large retailers   Nursery restrictions during Level 4
           material would potentially have to be   all sold flowers and plants.
           dumped and many businesses would be                                  During Level 4 of the lockdown, the
           faced with closure; SANA members were     Everything went well for a while, and   following restrictions (summarised here)
           concerned that the entire industry could   SANA members were trading responsibly   were placed on nurseries:
           collapse. Further to this, growers couldn’t   without any major issues.  Then the   •  no applications will be assessed for the
           plant and there was a danger that there   Department of Environment, Forestry   registration of new nurseries;
           would be no plant stock to sell in garden   and Fisheries published a gazette on 14   •  no applications will be assessed for the
           centres come Spring.               May,   stating that nurseries were not   inclusion of new species to existing
                                              allowed to be visited by the public. This   nurseries;
           Fortunately, growers could continue in   understandably caused major confusion   •  conveying, moving or translocating
           a limited way, however they had no one   throughout the industry, with nurseries   of plant specimens for delivery or
           to sell their goods to and a lot of plant   again being closed in certain areas by the   collection purposes is not    permitted;
           material was unfortunately dumped.  SA Police Services.              •  conveying, moving or translocating
                                                                                  plant specimens is permitted provided
           When  the President  announced  that the   SANA  contacted  the  Department  of   that it is for essential purposes and that
           country would move to Level 4 on the   Environment  as  soon  as  it  received  the   plant specimens are not moved across
           1st of May, all interested parties were   Gazette, and made enquiries as to the   provincial borders.
           encouraged to make submissions on   validity of the directive they had passed,
           the  proposed levels. SANA again made   as well as their authority to do so, since   As the country moves to Level 3, fewer
           submissions, as well as having submissions   nurseries were deemed to fall under   problems are expected but  SANA will
           sent through for the industry by AgriSA.   Agriculture. They finally agreed to amend   continue to work with government to get
           These where done via the portal as well   the regulations they had issued by   the Level 4 regulations amended, as there
           as directly to the Minister of Agriculture,   removing the clause on nurseries. It was   is always the possibility of having to move
           but when the regulations were finalised   believed that this clause was inserted for   back up again.  LSA
           and published, SANA was dismayed to   SANBI and forestry nurseries and they
           notice that the words Horticulture and   didn’t think of the confusion it would cause.   For further information contact
           Floriculture were removed from the drafts.   The SA Police Services were now targeting   Peter Runkel on 082 573 2223

                                                                                     Landscape SA • Issue 94 2020      17
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