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Every facet of life in all countries world-wide have been adversely affected by the
Coronavirus, and South Africa is no exception. Following the re-opening of the golf sector,
Landscape SA posed a few questions to industry players.
Contributors were Craig Corbett, government, we (Matkovich Golf Course of golf (besides professional golf), the
Operations Manager at Matkovich Golf Maintenance, MGCM) implemented what game attracts very few spectators. Also
Course Maintenance (CC), Ian Leach, we thought would be best practice. it is played outdoors, in vast spaces and
General Manager at Elements Golf Reserve uncrowded environments; all these factors
(IL), Dale Hayes of Zwartkops Country Club For the days leading up to full lockdown, are conducive to social distancing.
(DH), Dave Christie of Eagle Canyon Golf everyone in the industry was scrambling
Club (DC) and Grant Hepburn, CEO of Golf to figure out what was permitted and legal GH: The harsh reality was that the hard
RSA (GH). for golf courses. The general consensus lockdown meant that all golf facilities had
and directive from Golf RSA was to have to close and only 15% of the workforce was
Q: WHAT WAS THE STATUS/SITUATION OF a small team of no more than 15% of the allowed to continue working to maintain
GOLF PRIOR TO THE LOCKDOWN? staff living on site in order to carry out the facilities. This left 40 000 people unable
only essential services, so as not to cause to work; a huge concern since 80% of this
CC: Almost all of our golf courses were damage to the ongoing operation of workforce falls into the lowest economic
in a good condition. The clubs had had a golf courses. This meant that for the days sector.
good season, with most of them getting leading up to lockdown, we scrambled to
ready for club championships. Course put everything in place and used growth Q: DURING THE LOCKDOWN, DID THE
conditions were starting to improve due to regulators to manage grass growth during GOLF INDUSTRY ASSIST FINANCIALLY TO
the weather cooling off and Johannesburg the lockdown. ENSURE THE SURVIVAL OF THE GAME,
experiencing its typical late summer AND THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH IT SUCH AS
rainfall. Generally, the mood was bullish. IL: There was no confusion with the CADDIES, MAINTENANCE STAFF?
lockdown regulation. Golf clubs had to
IL: Elements was doing well before close down all operations and not allow CC: There were some courses that paid for
lockdown. Business levels were 10% above any golf to be played from 26 March. The caddies throughout the lockdown, but
forecast on both the number of rounds official golf bodies, led by Golf RSA, made I’m not able to speak for them regarding
played and on revenue. The golf course strong representation to the Department TERS applications or the method of
was in very good condition in spite of the of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, to payment. We did receive payments from
low rainfall season. allow golf courses to re-open. On 12 June, the golf course during this period, albeit
Minister Nathi Mthethwa announced that at a greatly reduced rate. We were able to
DH: Prior to lockdown, golf clubs in South golf courses, but not golf clubs, could re- negotiate some costs with TERS, payment
Africa were doing well. We had come to open from 13 June under strictly controlled holidays and the reduction of costs due to
the end of summer, and autumn in many conditions, and regulations were spelled a large reduction in services. This was well
parts of the country is the best time for out in detail for all to comply with. These received by our clients as they had not yet
golf. April is also good for golf, due to the included sanitising guidelines, no access requested the reduction in service fees.
number of public holidays at this time. to the clubhouse except to register and MGCM understood that the lockdown
pay for a round, no food or beverage would be devastating for all clubs as we
DC: Even though Eagle Canyon was doing sales, a limited number of players, social consider ourselves partners; we did what
well, I believe that in general golf was distancing, removal of drinking fountains, we felt was best for our clients.
struggling and less funding was being put one player per golf cart, no touching of
into course maintenance. IL: The golf industry as such did not assist
flag poles and several others.
financially in any way but individual clubs
GH: The golf industry overall was healthy DH: Lockdown was confusing in that no- and goods/service providers did, for
and contributed R48 billion in revenue to one knew how long it would last, so it was example our supplier of rented golf carts
the South African economy in 2019.
impossible for clubs to plan things such as granted us two months rent free and in
Q: WHAT WERE THE SPECIFIC CONCERNS how they would communicate with their return, we agreed to extend the duration
of the rental contract by a further six
OF THE INDUSTRY REGARDING THE members, how they would handle the staff months.
VAGUE NATURE OF THE LOCKDOWN situation (put on leave, keep paying or lay
REGULATIONS? off), how the course could be maintained
with limited staff and how the staff could DH: Golf RSA was instrumental in talking to
CC: Initially, after hearing about Covid19, be accommodated and fed at the club, government throughout lockdown. They
were in constant contact with government
we implemented strict social distancing while adhering to lockdown. and the various golf unions to keep us
rules for the two weeks leading up to the
lockdown. Our teams were split into two DC: Unfortunately, all sports were in the loop on developments. Each club
was however responsible for arranging
equal groups and kept apart from each lumbered together without consideration its own financial assistance during this
other. They had different start, lunch and for each one and its association with the time, and every club is different, having
finishing times in order to minimise contact Covid virus. Basically, the regulations its own specific needs. Many clubs tried
as much as possible. Since policies and implemented were to ensure no physical
procedures were not forthcoming from contact between players, and in the case to get TERS funding to help pay their
12 Landscape SA • Issue 95 2020