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based golf clubs. Our best forecast for now
is that our volumes this year will be less
than 50% of the original forecast.
DH: It is now the ‘new normal’ and with
golf, it is fortunately easy to practice social
distancing on the course and at clubs.
Just being able to play has given golfers
the opportunity to socialise with their
friends in a non-threatening environment
– outdoors, usually in the sunshine and
in wide open spaces. We’ve seen many
golfers who had taken a break from the
game come back and play, and there
are also many children joining in, as
they are not able to play school sport or
contact sports – this has provided a great
The Golf RSA Risk Mitigation Strategy be maintained of every person entering opportunity for them to take up golf.
specifically detailed the size of the field at the facility to play golf; this includes a
each level, timing schedules and other safe temperature check. Essential to club survival is being able to
practices. Each golf facility was advised to host functions and golf days; we cannot
use these do cuments to draft their own DC: In terms of risk mitigation plans, operate on memberships and green fees
Risk Mitigation Strategies, incorporating this was a massive undertaking which alone. Charities are also desperate to have
all the safe practice guidelines such I believe was and is being successfully their golf days back as they rely heavily on
as hygiene practices, screening and implemented. them for fundraising.
monitoring, sanitising and coaching
individuals and groups. All clubs complied. Q: GOING FORWARD, WILL THINGS BE The effects of lockdown, and especially
VERY DIFFERENT FOR THE OLF INDUSTRY? if we revert back a level, are still very
PLEASE GIVE DETAILS ON HOW THE uncertain for the golf industry. Going
OPEN, TRAINING PEOPLE FOR SAFETY forward, we don’t know what impact it
COMPLIANCE AND RISK MITIGATION WHAT IT WILL DO TO BRING THE GAME will have had once financial relief is no
PLANS IN GENERAL, WHAT TOOK PLACE? BACK ON TRACK. longer available. I’m not sure that we
CC: MGCM has a comprehensive Covid CC: I believe that very few golf courses won’t see some clubs closing and others
will go back to how they were. Many have
health and safety file which was put already restructured their clubhouses changing the way they operate, as golf is
together for each of our courses. The a costly industry. Maintenance is dollar-
training was done at each site, with the and we have been asked to re-look at our based and most products, machinery and
appointment of two safety officers per staffing. The reality is that we will have to golf equipment is imported. We don’t kid
site. There are two teams, working one be more efficient, rely more on equipment ourselves – golf is a luxury sport and only
and less on staff hours. Maintenance will
week on and one week off, so as not to be scrutinised and savings made where time will tell what long-term impact the
cause any cross-contamination should a lockdown will have on the industry.
team member be diagnosed positive for possible, and this makes contracting DC: I believe the biggest change will
the infection. The staff’s temperatures out more attractive than ever. Having a be the ability to do more with less
are checked and a questionnaire filled partner who specialises in golf course resources and therefore the greater use of
out regarding their health and who they intellectual and equipment resources is a technology within the golf industry. I also
have been in contact with. This is done on believe the industry needs to do more to
a daily basis, and machines and ablution massive advantage to clubs. entice people to take up the game.
facilities are disinfected daily after use. IL: All clubs will be affected differently.
Staff wear face masks and carry hand Most member clubs have seen a spike in GH: The lockdown has had a severe
sanitiser with them. Gloves are worn the number of rounds being played, while financial impact on golf facilities. The golf
if touching potentially contaminated others have seen a dip, but all clubs are industry may not completely recover from
surfaces for example flag poles, dust bins feeling the impact of no alcohol sales. This the effects of the lockdown but it is slowly
and tee markers. has also reduced the volume of food sales. starting to recoup some of the financial
At Elements, our visitor/member base is losses. Many clubs have re-purposed
IL: Detailed documentation was prepared primarily from Gauteng and the closed some of their caddies and/or casual staff
and released by Golf RSA for all clubs border is having a negative impact on our to assist with ensuring safety and health
to comply with. This included training business volumes. The economic impact protocols; the re-opening of restaurants,
of staff on daily practices, as well as all on individuals is also affecting us as many halfway houses and conference facilities
aspects of health and hygiene. Facilities can no longer afford to play golf anymore has seen some staff returning to full time
were deep cleaned before re-opening and it might take years for this situation employment.
and all relevant documentation from Golf to return to normality. Although Elements
RSA has been posted onto notice boards was open in June, we played only 17% The continued changes to the regulations
so that staff and guests can familiarise of the original budgeted rounds and also means that Golf RSA and its golfing
themselves with it. Every club has had to collected only 13% of budgeted revenue. facilities have had to adapt, but so far
complete a compliance document based we have managed to make the changes
on which Golf RSA granted permission for Elements is a remote golf estate 20 km required to keep the facilities open and
it to re-open. Every club had to appoint a outside Bela Bela. We project that the to generate much-needed income to keep
compliance officer and registers have to impact on us will be worse than most city- the industry afloat. LSA
14 Landscape SA • Issue 95 2020