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South Africa is a water scarce country and faces several
his leads to a greater chance of
extreme weather events such as challenges that will see water having to be managed ever
Tfloods and droughts and a greater more carefully. An increase in population and urbanisation
variability in rainfall, spatially and places further demands on an already pressured water
temporally. Raw water quality has also
become affected by the pollution of water supply, which is exacerbated by the effects of climate
resources, adding to the impact on our change.
water supplies. It is vital that we all start
becoming responsible for our use of water,
and focus on sustainability actions such the focus was to provide golf courses with added benefit of a decrease in the financial
as reducing consumption, re-using and specific examples of what best practices outlay by the golf course.
recycling water. have been implemented around the
country. This second edition of the booklet The booklet will also look at current
This is where Water Wise comes in. Water will take a slightly different approach. cultural practises on golf courses and how
Wise is Rand Water’s environmental brand Water Wise has, together with the TGMA, to ensure best management practices for
and aims to provide education to all invited knowledgeable members and water conservation. This can be described
citizens about the wise and sustainable use contributors within the industry to write as the combination of proper plant
of this scarce resource through a variety of on specific topics that again all contribute selection and maintenance practices that
targeted tools and interventions. The aim towards using water wisely, reducing provide adequate turf quality for the game
is to promote water conservation and the water use, conserving the environment of golf.
wise use of water amongst communities, and improving the quality of golf courses.
business, municipalities and the general It is envisaged that the booklet will assist
public. This is done through research Topics covered in the booklet include golf course managers in designing a
that informs awareness and education irrigation, landscape plant selection, water landscape that meets customer needs
campaigns, which include presentations, wise practises in buildings and facilities, but follows water wise practises to ensure
training, garden shows, events and and education and communication. efficient water use. By implementing water
exhibitions. wise landscape principles and water re-use
The aim of the booklet is to provide an systems, designing for local environmental
The Green Industry, which includes garden educational resource on a few of the topics and climatic conditions, ensuring the
centres, nurseries, turf grass management that could assist golf course management, regular maintenance of irrigation systems
(including golf courses), and landscape committees and clubs, golfers and future and other facilities, and incorporating
design and construction, is a high-water students with knowledge on a range of elements such as invasive alien plant
user in that large volumes of water are topics that will positively influence water removal and soil preparation, a golf course
required to sustain associated businesses. use on and around golf courses. can ensure reduced water use.
According to GolfRSA, there are 460 golf
clubs around the country. The exact Water efficient irrigation on golf courses It is hoped that this intervention will find
amount of water required and/or used on is one of the main themes that will be a really useful place within the golfing
all golf courses in South Africa has never explored in the booklet. A typical golf fraternity and contribute to improved
been quantified but regardless of this, course irrigation system can have more water use, environmental management
the perception exists that golf courses than 500 irrigation heads, kilometres of and more sustainable golf courses. Our
use too much water. Accordingly, Water wiring, a network of underground pipes, environment, ecosystems and ultimately
Wise is working on the second edition of a powerful pumping station, and a control all life on earth is dependent on water
its guide to water use on golf courses and system that enables turf managers to for survival. All water resources used to
this is being undertaken in collaboration control when, where, and how much maintain a golf course and surrounding
with the Turf Grass Managers Association water is applied. This kind of system needs landscapes must therefore be used
– Gauteng (TGMA). to be managed effectively and efficiently sparingly and with utmost care. LSA
to ensure that leaks are reduced and
First and second editions prevented, and that a minimal amount For further information contact Leslie
of water is consumed. Reducing water Hoy on or Samanta
The first edition of the Water Wise Guide for consumption and wastage can result in a Stelli on
Golf Courses was produced in 2008, where reduction in energy use as well, with the
Landscape SA • Issue 95 2020 15