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in the essential services sector. The only Q: What plans are there to get the industry
negative we experienced was the backlog back on track?
in product manufacturing and imports.
Lumber & Lawn: The Cape had a good
Q: What is the ‘new normal’ for the rainy season and the grass was growing!
industry? Will things be done differently This is positive for the future of the
and if so, in what way? industry.
Tandem: The new normal in the industry Tandem: The magic word is rain. When
is that there are safety protocols in place it comes, the demand for gardening
which we all need to adhere to. The new products will explode and those brave
normal is also one of being thankful to be enough to carry stock will benefit due to
part of the green industry, as people had the huge demand from consumers. If the
to be at home and therefore focussed on grass is growing, it must be cut!
their gardens. Since garden services were
not allowed to operate, homeowners had Deltool: Due to the help from OPPASA, we
to cut their own lawns. do not think that the industry has been off
track, it has just been different.
Deltool: The new normal is to be even
more resilient and more adaptable to OPPASA feedback
market needs and changes. COVID has fast
tracked the effects of the fourth industrial Using Zoom, OPPASA held an online
revolution, such as self-sustainable living discussion with some of its members
being forced on people due to massive job regarding the impact of COVID and the
losses. Online shopping, training and DIY lockdown on the industry. In response
repairs and maintenance also underwent a to the questions below, the following
sharp increase and is expected to grow. To feedback was given:
survive going forward, it is essential to be
unique in products and services and not
just another OPE dealer.
24 Landscape SA • Issue 97 2020