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Delegates, presenters and students at the symposium
The Southern African Plant Breeders’
Association (SAPBA) held its bi-annual
symposium in March 2022 at the
Protea Hotel in Stellenbosch, with the
theme Think Again. It was organised
by the SAPBA committee, consisting of
members from all sectors of the Southern
African plant breeding community. Symposium presentation underway
ach member contributed to the vast knowledge of the South African breeders with their awards in person,
symposium by his or her own cotton and berry sectors, as well as the allowing them to dedicate a few words to
Estrengths, diversity, ideas and skills maize silage market, to mention a few. The the future generations of plant breeders.
sets. The symposium is an opportunity for remainder of the programme comprised
all involved in the plant breeding sector student research, market-related views and In addition, an expert panel session aimed
(private, government and academia) to get topics, and speciality breeding for target at answering questions from students,
together and share ideas, knowledge and markets across a variety of different plant followed. The panel included Roeann
opportunities to promote the science and art species. A poster session was held online Wessels, Magdaleen Cilliers, Chyreene
of plant breeding. In so doing, the stable and due to Covid, and each presenter had five Truluck, Richard Fly and Antony Jarvie. They
sustainable supply of food will be ensured. minutes to present the research and make answered questions about their careers,
a conclusion. Prizes were awarded for the the challenges of plant breeding, beneficial
Delegates had the opportunity to listen best presenter and poster. skills for the industry and bridging the gap
to and learn from eight keynote speakers from academia.
covering a wide range of topics, including Corteva student session
(but not limited to) the following: The symposium included a session that was The function was open to external attendees,
• grower and consumer focused plant dedicated to students, the future pioneers of with 36 students from four universities
sciences; plant breeding. Students from the University in attendance. These were University of
• possible impacts of global warming; of Stellenbosch plant breeding laboratory the Free State, Stellenbosch University,
• modern breeding techniques hosted the session, which was sponsored by University of KZN and the University of
implemented across different breeding Corteva, and which opened by honouring Pretoria.
programmes. the 20 most influential plant breeders of
Southern Africa in 2020. SAPBA chairperson Information and photos supplied by Toinette
The five plenary speakers shared their Toinette van Rooyen presented eight plant van Rooyen and Cecile Bester.
Corteva student session
12 Landscape SA • Issue 113 2022