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           The question of floodlines is in the spotlight after the serious flooding in parts of
           South Africa earlier this year was declared a national disaster by the National Disaster

           Management Centre (NDMC).

               he heavy February rains – mainly
               in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-
           TNatal but also in the Free State
           and North West provinces – destroyed
           property and infrastructure, and
           led to  over 80 lives being lost.  While
           the declaration allowed more direct
           intervention in recovery efforts by
           national government and organs of
           state, the NDMC noted that  “these
           threatening conditions call for an all-of-
           society  and  government  approach  to
           promote risk reduction”.
           Among the standard measures in place
           to protect communities, businesses   Xanthe Adams, principal   Urbanisation is a significant factor in increasing   Municipalities must upgrade
           and infrastructure from flooding is the   engineer at SRK Consulting the size of floodplains and the velocity of floods   culverts and drainage infrastructure
           regulated floodline alongside rivers in          (Image: City of Tshwane)     whenever necessary
           urban areas – below which any building                                        (Image: SRK Consulting)
           or development is not permitted.
                                              Among the efforts by local government to   to furnish a floodline as part of the permitting
           What is a floodline?               address rising run-off levels is to ensure that   process,” she said.  “In fact, planning any
           “A floodline is an imaginary line on the ground   developments design water attenuation   activity in or near a river – such as building
           that denotes the edge of the water during a   facilities into new projects.  These dams,   a bridge or installing a pump – may require
           flood,” said Xanthe Adams, principal engineer   ponds and wetlands will act to slow down   a water use licence that includes a floodline.”
           at SRK Consulting. “The floodplain is the area   the flow of water and allow more of it to
           alongside a river that will be expected to be   percolate into the ground.   She noted that while the recent flooding
           under water during a flood, with the upper                            seemed out of the ordinary, this would still
           edge of this floodplain being designated as   Emergency plans         have to be confirmed by detailed studies.
           the floodline.”                    At the most basic level, however,   It was also difficult to know the extent to
                                              municipalities must ensure that any new   which climate change contributed to the
           The National  Water Act requires these   developments are outside the floodline and   magnitude of these rainfall events, as there
           floodlines to be shown on plans for housing   must also upgrade culverts and drainage   were many different global climate models –
           and other developments, which show the   infrastructure whenever necessary, as part of   each with a range of predictions.
           highest level that a flood could reach every   their emergency planning.
           100 years – the most common stipulated                                Protection measures
           time frame. All buildings then need to be   “Other situations where a floodline is   “More important will be the country’s ability
           above this floodline, to avoid the danger of   required include mining operations which   to develop flood protection measures
           flooding.                          might encroach  on rivers  or streams,” said   alongside floodline studies, as it is likely to be
                                              Adams. “Holders of water use licences might   impractical to move houses and infrastructure
           Adams highlighted that municipalities are   also need to determine floodlines, as their   which today lie within floodplains,” she said.
           responsible for enforcing compliance with   work may potentially disturb the area within   “Flood management on the catchment scale
           floodlines as part of reducing flood risk   the floodline.”           is another relevant field of enquiry which can
           to communities and infrastructure.  Their                             significantly reduce flooding so I wouldn’t be
           planning must mitigate and manage the   It is likely that a floodline will be required by   surprised to see more regulations focusing on
           effect of urbanisation, which generally   law if a developer or other entity is planning   catchment scale management of floods.”
           means more rainfall run-off and greater risk   to build on a property that has a river or
           of flooding.                       stream running across it, she said. It might   Floodline studies remain a highly specialised
                                              also be a legal requirement if a river is within   task, and they need to be properly signed
           “Urbanisation is certainly a significant factor   a few hundred meters of the property being   off before a local authority will accept the
           increasing the size of  floodplains and  the   developed.             floodline determination.  This sign-off must
           velocity of floods,” she said. “We see its effect                     be done by a professional engineer registered
           frequently as we determine floodlines,   EIA’s and water use licences  with the Engineering Council of South Africa.
           especially in older urban areas, where we   “Companies that require a full environmental
           often find that some of the infrastructure is   impact assessment (EIA) or even a basic   Information and  photos  supplied  by  SBPR  on
           actually already within the floodline.”  environmental assessment may be required   behalf of SRK Consulting.   n

                                                                                           Landscape SA • Issue 113 2022    17
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