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          Dave Kirkby, founder of the Top Turf Group, recently
          published a book entitled “Stars, Blinks and Dots.” With
          his permission, the article below is based on extracts

          from the book that pertain to the starting, running
          and selling of a landscaping and sports turf business.

          T   ogether with his (then) business   International, Sol Kerzner and Patrick
                                            Watson) changed the previously linear
              founded Top Turf Lawns in 1976 on
          a dairy farm south of Germiston. The two   expansion. It sped up the evolutionary
                                            process  and  two  types  of  expansion
          agreed that whatever money each one   took place: locally in southern Africa
          invested in the business, the other would   and offshore, mainly in the Indian Ocean
          match.  Once  they  had  the  funds  to  get   islands.
          started, they purchased a second-hand
          Massey Ferguson 240 tractor, a sod cutter   Management
          and a mower. The company was registered   Kirkby states that what was required in
          in 1977, with the two partners holding   the evolutionary/ expansionary process of
          equal shares in the business. Kirkby took   the business was management skills and
          on the role of MD and Power was his 2IC.   although he had not had any management
          A while later, a 42 ha farm in Bapsfontein   training, he knew that he had to change
          came onto the market, with eight hectares   from  “being  a  grass  farmer  to  being  a
          of established kikuyu lawn, and the pair   professional manager”.  The traditional
          purchased it. Over time, they bought or   management  philosophy,  as  espoused
          hired  additional  property  on  which  to   by Louis Allen, requires that managers do
          expand their lawn production, mainly   the following: plan the work, organise the
          around the head office in Germiston.  resources, lead (train and teach) the staff   the concepts and principles he believed
                                            and finally, control (measure) the results.   appropriate for the business, and the HR
          Business evolution and expansion  If a business owner gets this right, he or   team  was  charged  with  spreading  the
          Kirkby says he wanted to establish a   she gives the business room to flourish in   message throughout the organisation. In
          company  that  would  be  “world  class,   a sustainable manner.     this way, the staff was encouraged to live
          deliver quality products and services,                               “the Top Turf way”.
          and have a long-term future”. This meant   Kirkby enrolled in a course to learn more
          that constant research and development   about these principles and implemented   Building a sustainable company
          would be required, as well as training, in   them within the business. Over time   Kirkby believes that the more one puts in,
          order to keep ahead of the game.  however, he realised that the system did   the more one gets out – both professionally
                                            not capitalise on the enormous, often   and personally. Also, to attract good people
          As more products and processes were   hidden potential of individual employees   to the company, the environment needs to
          added to the business, Kirkby began   and it was necessary to empower them to   be one of hope, professionalism, integrity
          to  develop  the  concept  of  business   be responsible and accountable for their   and fun – and where there are opportunities
          evolution, similar to the evolutionary   performance, their jobs and their lives.  for employees to achieve their goals.
          process in nature: gradual, logical change,
          one step at a time, over a period of time   As the business progressed, he constantly   Key elements to ensuring a sustainable
          and in reaction to external forces.  looked for simple, practical ways to   company are:
                                            improve Top Turf  without  disrupting   •   having strong strategic support;
          Without money to spend on expensive   what  had  already  been  put  in  place.  “If   •   unlocking  human  potential  by
          marketing campaigns, Kirkby and Power   something I read resonated with me, I   education,  training  and  good  human
          relied on signwriting for marketing   would always look for ways to incorporate   resource practices;
          exposure.  “Wherever there was an   it and implement the teachings in the   •   creating a strong mission, defining the
          opportunity, there was a Top Turf Lawns   company.” He created a programme called   company’s culture and agreeing on core
          sign with its recognisable three-sod logo”,   In Pursuit of Great, based on the work of   values;
          says Kirkby.                      Jim Collins, and says: “We didn’t necessarily   •   appointing the right people and a
                                            need to be the best, we just had to be as   strong management team;
          In the process of expanding the company,   good as we could be”.     •   building a motivated and diverse team;
          landscape construction was a new                                       and
          product for Top Turf Lawns and its success   On an ongoing basis, he developed   •   celebrating and recognising their
          at Sun City (and its relationship with Sun   policies and procedures to support all   achievements.

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