Page 11 - Landscape-Issue126
P. 11
Malkerns Square
Dam Development
+27 (0) 72 211 4898
Stream development
The dam is accompanied by a 187m long stream, Unlike the dam’s waterproo ng system, the stream
further enhancing the visual appeal of the project’s sections were lined with a recycled scrim reinforced pvc
landscaped area. Adorned with natural rock placings material to prevent erosion actions due to the 100m³/
The construction of the dam and stream has created a strong natural element to and ourishing water plants, the stream creates a hr ow rate of the stream section. As the stream had
to traverse down a six metre gradient, stone weirs were
serene and picturesque environment. This integration
the landscaping. With a volume of 3 500 kl, an area of 2680m² and a stream of of natural elements not only improves the aesthetic constructed to capture the falls in the elevation. The 13
187m long, this is an integral part of the overall project. appeal but also promotes biodiversity, providing weirs are accentuated with a variety of water plants and
habitats for aquatic ora and fauna.
speci c rock and boulder nishes.
he centre piece of the water foundation is compacted and speci c creating a subsoil drainage trench
management project is the tests were completed, ensuring that 30m long and approximately six Design features
cut and ll constructed dam. cut/ ll portions met the minimum metres below the dam’s water The design of the overall water system
TWith an average depth engineering requirements. We found level. This water is directed to a at Malkerns Square incorporates several
of 1.4m, it spans the landscape, large subsoil water movement on the constructed well adjacent to the dam key elements important to the overall
capturing and storing water higher side of the dam which had to and automatically pumped back into operation of such a system, namely:
for various purposes. The dam’s be re-directed. This was achieved by the dam. 1. A suction point: The dam and stream
system is equipped with a strategically
placed suction point that balances to
a constructed underground reservoir
alongside the dam, allowing for
ef cient extraction of water to meet
various needs.
2. A spillway: To regulate water levels
during heavy rainfall or excessive
in ow, an over ow has been
constructed to move water to the The construction of the dam and environmental consciousness. By
attenuation dam system. stream represents a signi cant creating this reliable water source,
3. Delivery points: A designated step towards sustainable water the project not only meets the
delivery point has been established to management. With its size, capacity present needs of water storage but
distribute the water to different areas and innovative features, this also contributes to the long-term
ef ciently. These increase circulation project showcases the integration ecological balance and prosperity
and aeration of the water body. of engineering practices with of nature.
Empowering the community
Waterscapes recognised the potential of engaging the construction. Participants learned about erosion control,
local community and imparting valuable skills that would sediment management and the importance of preserving
Waterproo ng with bentonite bene t them personally and professionally. Waterscapes local biodiversity. The project highlights environmental
To ensure the dam’s impermeability, a waterproo ng technique empowered a group of 12 unskilled residents with bene ts, sustainable practices and ecosystem preservation.
using raw bentonite was used. Bentonite, a clay mineral with the necessary knowledge and technical skills to assist
excellent sealing properties, was applied to the dam’s surface, in completing the project. The skills included site
preventing water leakage and ensuring maximum water preparation, excavation, concrete mixing, reinforcing and
retention. This environmentally friendly solution not only secures structural integrity.
water resources but also preserves the natural integrity of the The local workforce was also educated about the
surrounding ecosystem. The product is spread evenly over the environmental bene ts and were made aware of how
surface using a gridline method to ensure that the correct ratios dam construction and stream management can mitigate
are applied, depending on the existing soil type and contents. the impact of ooding, improve water availability for
This is evenly spread, carefully rotivated and then compacted. agriculture and create opportunities for irrigation.
The addition of water then hydrates the bentonite, and the Training sessions emphasised the signi cance of
“absorption” creates a “swelling” which contains the water body. implementing environmentally friendly practices during