Page 7 - Landscape-Issue126
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Bougainvillea slowly filling the entrance gatehouse structure
The webbed gatehouse stretching its wings over the entrance, richly planted with texture and colour
Landscaping and design brief to either side of the double-lane roadway. to build up stock for future phases as well
Landscaping of the pilot phase began While the median was kept clear and as for maintenance purposes. A temporary
late in 2020. With access difficult through open as lawn planting, Aloe marlothii and onsite nursery has been set up for this
the borders and constantly fluctuating Euphorbia tirucalli bring stark accent, year- purpose, and Tshala Plant Brokers have
regulations due to Covid, the task of round colour and structure to the sidewalk consistently sourced and delivered plant
managing teams and supplies was gardens. These are held by alternating material for the project, bringing diversity
complicated. Bidvest TopTurf brought in hedge blocks of Buddleja saligna and to the new landscape.
a local Eswatini landscaper to assist, and Viburnum sinensis, with lower planting The first phase of retail has proved to be
Mphutsa Investments have remained mixes of Tulbaghia violacea, Helichrysum a shopping destination with ample parking,
on site to oversee the completion of splendidum, Salvia africana-lutea, Dietes ease of access, and offering a cosy coffee
later phases, having been mentored and grandiflora, Kniphofia uvaria, Gazania sp. shop that holds weekend entertainment
upskilled by TopTurf. They have also since and Cotyledon orbiculata flanaganii. and events on its outdoor garden terrace.
built up a maintenance team and have The western gatehouse is an unusual The landscaping was designed to integrate
been appointed to look after the gardens in steel structure, pieced together to resemble greenery and shade as much as possible,
their entirety. an orb’s web extending into the sky. softening the parking zone, bringing
The design brief for the retail and estate Bougainvillea has been planted at the base interest to the main user corridors, and
landscape called for strong but easily of the two flanking towers, bringing full and creating a pleasant ambience into which
managed and maintained garden spaces. cascading colour to the entrance. the restaurant spills out.
The entrance boulevard was required The planting mix continues into Landscaping installed in and around
to make a bold statement, setting an the precinct, further introducing the residential blocks responded directly
expectation for the development. In complementary planting that can be easily to architectural scale, applying height or
response, the main boulevard was planted controlled, amended to suit condition and weight where necessary and ensuring
with Vachellia xanthophloea, forested down location. Importantly, 90% of the plants ease of flow between common and
the central median and formally planted needed to be easily propagated in order private spaces. All-year interest and ease
Landscape SA • Issue 126 2023 5