Page 9 - Landscape-Issue126
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The lower attenuation dam, already a thriving new wetland habitat with
embankments having been hand-seeded with veldgrass, and sporadically with
Aloe, Leonotis and Crinum species
Established gardens surrounding the residential blocks
A constructed ripple-run in the park’s stream aerates the passing water A view over the central median along the main boulevard of the estate, with
textures and year-round interest
the base of the site, and the introduction been positioned to create interest and play incorporated as the estate matures. For
of a permanent water element above alongside the water elements. the moment, a strong structural backbone
this zone. All three dams are interlinked On excavating for the dams, a natural to the park has been provided, as per the
and spill into each other in high rainfall ground aquifer was discovered, which client’s requirement.
conditions. The upper permanent dam complicated the scheme, but Water’scapes Existing soils were found to be a heavy clay
self-circulates, pumping water to a pond installed an extensive ground drain which and slightly acidic, having been structured
higher up on the site and allowing it to now feeds into the dam, with any overflow for pineapple crops over the past decades.
filter back down to the dam through a spilling down to the attenuation dams Topsoil, stockpiled prior to construction,
series of weirs along a meandering stream. where it can once again seep into the was mixed with kraal manure and lime to
Large berms and earth mounds were ground. rebuild a more neutral organic planting
shaped above the permanent dam for two The park was planted with over 450 young material. Composting to the new garden
reasons: to discourage surface runoff from trees and the entire ground was either beds continues into the maintenance
flowing directly into the dam and rather lawn sprigged or veldgrass seeded. Aloes, period as the soil requires further building,
into the formal attenuation dams, and Crinum and Leonotis as well as larger shrubs and there will be onsite composting and
to bring structural interest to, and a new were introduced into the veld and the mulching to see the gardens into the future.
spatial experience of, the generally graded dam and stream edges have been planted
farmland. with wetland species such as Cyperus, Prosperous precinct
The dam contractor, Water’scapes, Zantedeschia, Gomphostigma, Juncus and The Malkerns Square precinct is progressing
was appointed to specify and install the Chondropetalum. well and the landscapes and gardens
containment of the permanent dam, Extensive paths through the park offer installed so far have been practically planned
construction of the streams, spillways opportunities to run, walk or ride. Residents to ensure longevity and affordability – all
and reservoir, as well as all mechanical are encouraged to enjoy the smaller niches the while enhancing and building on the
operations. The dam was lined with a raw within the park as well as the open spaces, developer’s vision.
bentonite application, whilst the stream and new facilities such as play equipment,
received an impermeable liner with blinding fitness equipment, seating, tables, shade Text and photos supplied by landscape architect
layer. Large boulders and smaller rocks have structures, extended pathways, etc. will be Karen Marais of The Ochre Office. n
Landscape SA • Issue 126 2023 7