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Tillandsia is a genus of about 650 species of evergreen, perennial flowering plants
in the family Bromeliaceae. Commonly known as air plants, they are epiphytes and
lithophytes that in nature, grow on other plants, often on tree branches as well as
on cliffs and rocks. The plants do not require soil and instead, anchor themselves to
a host without being parasitic or causing harm.
Brachycaulos ‘Bloom’ Photo: Rare and Air Brachycaulos ‘Sun Shade’ Photo: Rare and Air Bulbosa gigantew
Photo: Rare and Air
T. capitata ‘Peach’ Photo: Rare and Air T. fasciata ‘Xero’ Photo: Rare and Air T.ionantha ‘Fuego’ Photo: Rare and Air
he genus Tillandsia is often referred They are referred to as low maintenance, be removed from the parent once they are
to as air plants because they absorb but not no maintenance plants and need about 1/3 of its size, or they can be left to
Twater and nutrients through their bright light, good air circulation, regular form a clump; these will then mature and
leaves. The roots are used for anchorage water and fertiliser for ideal growth. The the cycle will be repeated.
to hold onto a tree, rock or even a most frequent mistakes people make are Air plants can be grown from seeds, but
telephone line, meaning that the plants to put them in too much shade and to not it can take up to ten years for seedlings to
don’t require any growing medium. Some water them. The leaf surface must be wet reach maturity.
varieties benefit from having bark for the for plants to absorb the water, as they can’t
roots to hold onto, but the majority don’t absorb atmospheric moisture. However, Plant care
require anything at all. Trichomes on the the plants should dry out within a few Light
leaves assist the plants to absorb water hours of being watered and not stay wet for Light is very important; if a Tillandsia doesn’t
and nutrients. prolonged periods. receive adequate light, its leaves will not
They have the same life cycle as most function correctly and won’t absorb water
Growing and blooming plants in the Bromeliaceae family, and once and nutrients. Eventually the plant will fade
Some species are more difficult to grow they reach maturity (the number of years and die. Air plants require plenty of light
than others, depending on their preferred depends on species) the plant will bloom; and grow well indoors but need bright,
conditions, but as with any plant, as long after flowering, it will produce pups or indirect light near a window. Direct light,
as their basic light, water and nutrient offsets. Being monocarpic, the parent plant particularly morning sun for 1-3 hours, is
requirements are met, they are not difficult will gradually die back and be replaced by very helpful. Outdoor plants can withstand
to grow in most South African conditions. the pups at the base of the plant. These can more direct sun exposure because there is
12 Landscape SA • Issue 131 2023