Page 18 - Landscape-Issue131
P. 18


                       Waterfront sweeper boat carrying out waste
                       collection duties in the marina



          The V&A Waterfront, a signatory to the SA Plastics Pact (SAPP) as of 2023, has revised
          its tenant lease agreement with the purpose of eliminating single-use plastics at
          the precinct by 2025.

              hrough the SAPP, the  Waterfront   own management of waste, separating   Approximately 12% of all the recycled
              has identified 12 single-use plastic   at source, and to track and report their   waste was plastic.
          Tproducts to be eliminated by tenants   recycling volumes. Each tenant is required   Sustainability  and  utilities  senior
          by 2025. These include plastic barrier bags,   to develop a waste management plan that   manager, Mareli Cloete, said:  “Joining
          plastic shopping bags, plastic straws,   details precisely how recycling will be   the SA Plastics Pact is one more step the
          plastic cutlery, plastic stirrers, plastic   implemented,  including  waste recycling   Waterfront is taking in striving to be free
          pallet wrap, ear buds with plastic stems   targets, and to illustrate the process for   of single-use plastics and to be a leader in
          and lollipops with plastic sticks, amongst   measuring and reporting on these rates.   circular design and innovative plastic waste
          others.                             “It  is  important  for  the  Waterfront  to   management practices.”
           The  Waterfront included the SAPP   attract high quality tenants who are willing   Some  Waterfront tenants have already
          in the lease and tenant house rules to   to incorporate sustainability best practices   adopted their own initiatives with the
          align with its strategic sustainability and   into their operations; this as we invest in   same sustainability goals.  This includes
          development  objectives.  Existing tenants   and implement measures to reduce the   hotels  providing  drinking  water  in  glass
          due for renewal, as well as new tenants,   environmental impact  of  our  portfolio  of   instead of plastic bottles, and retailers
          are bound by the green lease agreement.   over 500,000 m2 rentable commercial and   moving to the use of bio-degradable or re-
           V&A Waterfront CEO David Green said:   retail space in order to meet our 2035 net-  usable bag options. “As the country’s oldest
          “We are bringing our green lease up   zero goal,” said Green.         working harbour, the  V&A  Waterfront has
          to date to mirror our commitments to                                  a responsibility to protect the ocean as a
          sustainability and to encourage continuing   Examples of addressing plastics   natural resource,” said Cloete.
          actions on water and waste management,   waste
          energy efficiency, and associated cost                                Using ecobrick construction in
          savings with our tenants.”         Waste recovery and recycling       commercial office space construction
           With over 800 tenants, the  Waterfront   A dedicated team of more than 90 people   An innovative example of developing
          has a long history of developing and   collect  and  sort  all  the  waste  on  the   solutions towards plastic elimination from
          driving operationally efficient sustainable   property at the V&A’s Waste Recovery and   the ocean was the Waterfront’s use of eco-
          buildings,  promoting  sustainable  Recycling Centre. There are 386 collection   bricks in the construction of The Ridge, now
          consumption and incentivising tenants   points on site and over 550 bins are cleared   home to the regional offices of Deloitte.
          to practise proper waste disposal and   twice a day.                    Approximately 12,500 two-litre plastic
          recycling methods.                  In  2022,  the  Waterfront  collected  over   bottles were stuffed with unrecyclable
           The existing green lease agreement   6  400 tons of waste and recycled and   waste such as chip packets, candy wrappers
          already requires all tenants to participate   diverted over 2 700  tons  of  waste  from   and plastic shopping bags. The eco-bricks
          in driving down water and energy   landfill, of which 81 tons came from the   were then used as void fillers in certain
          consumption, to be responsible for their   water  ways  and  the  maritime  industry.   foundation areas to reduce the amount of

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