Page 21 - Landscape-Issue131
P. 21


           The Milnerton Lagoon, a polluted water body in Cape Town, empties into Table Bay.    Fish die-off at the mouth of the Milnerton Lagoon.
           Photo by Jean Tresfon                                    Image: Matt Activism Capetown/Facebook

           A 2022 fish die-off in the polluted Milnerton Lagoon. Photo supplied by Groundup

           see that air monitoring will start so that we   Restoration plan        Long-term projects involve the upgrade
           can actually measure it and prove that there   The city aims to steadily close off pollution   of the Potsdam  Wastewater  Treatment
           is a problem,” she said, adding that the city’s   sources to the lagoon, so that it can be   Works, Montague Gardens Bulk Sewer
           health department had been missing from   dredged  and  the  sediment  and  pollution   Rehabilitation, Koeberg Pump Station
           this problem for a long time.      build-up at the bottom removed. A key   and the long-term pump station and pipe
            Despite pollution warnings that the   component of the action plan includes   replacement programme in the region.
           Milnerton  lagoon,estuary  mouth  and   bio-remediation to see if this could help   A key aspect of all the plans is community
           beach remain closed for swimming and   break down organic materials in the lagoon   involvement, keeping them updated
           recreation due to the pollution in the Diep   environment.            and providing them with a space to ask
           River, residents and visitors (especially   Short-term water quality and odour   questions and provide insights related
           children) continue to use these areas   mitigation  strategies  include  the  to  the  lagoon  pollution.  It  is  important
           during peak holiday months.        following:                         for them to be taken on board as equal
            Marx says there is currently a definite   •   installing waste interceptors in the   partners in what the city is trying to do.
           improvement in water quality and they   Diep, Black and Salt Rivers as well as the
           were even seeing birds and fish swimming   Jakkalsvlei canal;         Intervention by the Green
           into the sea after the recent heavy rains,   •   constructing the Erica Road outfall low   Scorpions
           which effectively flushed out the lagoon.   flow diversion;           Water samples were taken at eight points
           “But  if  they  don’t  find  the  sources  of  the   •   investigating and correcting cross   along the Diep River to identify the point
           pollution and stop them, then we’re going   connections  created  by  residents  from   at which the pollution is entering the
           to end up right back where we were with   stormwater and sewer pipes;  river. Environmental degradation is being
           a highly polluted lagoon which smells   •   cleaning  ponds  and  refurbishing  investigated by the Green Scorpions from
           and  is  devoid  of  any  life.  This  is  why  it’s   settlement tanks at the Potsdam   the national Department of Forestry,
           so important that the city follows up and   Wastewater Treatment Works; and  Fisheries and the Environment, due to
           finds the so-called unknown major sources   •   installing screens and generators at   the coastal estuary falling within the
           of pollution,” she said.            sewer pump stations.              department’s jurisdiction and mandate.   n

                                                                                           Landscape SA • Issue 131 2023    19
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