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          The Terraforce retaining walls with L12 rock face finish support a variety of windbreak plant species, form plants and trailing plants

          Landscaping                                           Since opening in 2002, there have been numerous additions
          Atlantic Beach landscape manager and horticulturist Karien Naudé   to the Atlantic Beach lifestyle, sporting, recreational and security
          was responsible for plant selection, and together with the Atlantic   infrastructure. This  has  resulted  in  a  living  space  co-existing  with
          Beach landscaping team, undertook the landscaping of the retaining   an environment where wildlife roams freely across and within the
          walls at the padel courts. The facts below were taken into account:  Estate & Links Club.Atlantic Beach seeks to create a harmonious
           The Estate & Links Club is close to the Atlantic Ocean, with views   and  aesthetically  pleasing  environment,  while  driving  continuous
          of two World Heritage Sites - Table Mountain and Robben Island. This   improvement towards environmental best practice and sustainability.
          location is very sensitive as it forms part of a natural ecological corridor   Accordingly,  in  terms  of  environmental  management,  Atlantic
          linking Blaauwberg Nature Reserve to the south with Koeberg Nature   Beach’s motto is “protect and respect” and the board, management,
          Reserve and the Greater Dassenberg Coastal Catchment Partnership   residents and members of the Estate & Links Club (which includes their
          to the north.                                       links-style golf course), are mindful of the very significant role Atlantic
           The area is characterised by sandy, alkaline soils, strong, salt-laden   Beach plays in protecting and respecting this environmental corridor.
          south easter winds in summer and north westerly winds in winter.   Ethical landscaping is an important aspect of this and plant choices
          The natural vegetation type is West Coast Strandveld, and there is a   comply with the requirements of the Operational Environmental
          distinct aesthetic character associated with this.  Management Plan for Atlantic Beach; plant choices and landscape

          4    Landscape SA • Issue 146  2025                            Check us out
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