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orld Wetlands Day (WWD), Benefits of urban wetlands permeable pavements to reduce runoff
observed annually on 2 • Water purification: Wetlands filter and mimic natural water infiltration in
WFebruary, promotes wetland pollutants and absorb heavy metals. landscape design or maintenance.
conservation and awareness. This year’s • Flood mitigation: They reduce the velocity • Foster collaboration: Collaborate with your
theme, “Protecting Wetlands for our and force of water entering the wetland client, communities, scientists, NGOs, and
Common Future,” highlights the urgency ecosystem. Water is gradually released authorities to develop conservation plans
of preserving these ecosystems. Wetlands into the neighbouring environment, and promote cross-sector efforts in wetland
cover only 2.4% of South Africa’s surface thereby mitigating the likelihood of preservation, funding and research.
area and of the 791 wetland types, 48% are sudden, destructive floods. • Advocate for policy and awareness:
critically endangered, 12% endangered, 5% • Support rich biodiversity: They serve as Support regional laws and programs to
vulnerable and 35% least threatened. habitats and breeding grounds for diverse protect urban wetlands and ensure they
Urbanisation is one of the primary drivers species, including rare and endangered are included in urban development plans
of wetland loss. In 2023, South Africa’s ones. through local planning committees as well
urban population increased to 41,6 million, • Regulate urban microclimates: They as municipal/metro environmental policies.
reflecting a 1.58% growth compared to cool down cities and create a balanced This also applies to plans for sites on which
2022. By 2030, the numbers are expected environment. you operate.
to reach levels of about 71% and by 2050, • Socio-economic benefits: They provide • Creation of additional habitats: Constructed
eight out of ten people will be residing in sustainable resources like bulrushes for wetlands for greywater treatment also create
urban areas. This creates competition for crafts and facilitate sustainable fishing for habitats that support local ecosystems,
land needed for agriculture, infrastructure communities. aiding conservation efforts.
and urban green/blue spaces such as Urban wetlands are threatened by
grasslands, wetlands, rivers and plant How can you make a difference urbanisation and climate change, with
communities vital to our biodiversity. The landscaping community has an only 11% of South Africa’s wetlands being
important and substantial role to play in protected. Over 70% remain unprotected,
What are urban wetlands? creating and preserving wetlands in areas or highlighting the need for urgent
Urban wetlands are found in and around sites of influence. conservation, especially with this country’s
cities, and can be natural or artificial. Known • Support natural water flow: Ensure water scarcity.
as a city’s ‘kidney’ or ‘biodiversity library’, they drainage systems do not disrupt the
purify water and support diverse species. wetland’s water supply and avoid blocking Visit to learn
Natural wetlands include rivers, lakes, natural waterways that alter its hydrology. how you can get involved.
marshes, floodplains and mangroves, while • Adopt sustainable urban planning:
artificial ones include ponds, stormwater Advocate for the use of green Be #WaterWise
sites, drains and canals. infrastructure such as rain gardens and
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