Page 14 - Landscape-Issue146
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Skye Architects used the slope of the site to its advantage, connecting the first floor of the building to a higher level of the slope. All levels therefore have a connection to
the exterior
Outdoor learning areas encourage children to explore beyond the Playscapes make use of natural elements such as treated gum poles for play equipment
classroom walls
the intention that other grass species will Planting is irrigated from a borehole rods and bolts used for additional strength.
move into the area over time to create a and only intensive planting close to the There are custom-braided cargo nets in
balanced grass mix. Due to the construction building, as well as lawn areas, are irrigated. white, and a slackline has been installed.
programme, the hydroseeding could only The rehabilitated veldgrass areas survive off Additional items include:
be done in the last week of March 2024, and rainfall. • a water play channel built from existing
there was some concern that it would not Van der Walt says the rehabilitation of rocks on site, and a chalk play area;
germinate properly so late in the season. the site was quite challenging as there was • hammocks, a spider web, basketball
However, due to high night temperatures, a large seedbank of pioneer alien invasives hoops and wet pour rubber flooring;
the seeding took well. such as Khakibos and Blackjacks. A weeding • a walking trail with QR code signs
A stone-lined stormwater swale regime was put in place for the grow-in providing information at various nature
behind the slope’s retaining wall gathers period to try to reduce the seedbank as it stops;
stormwater and deposits it in a wetland germinated. Further challenges included • a bird lookout point;
area. The stormwater also becomes a erosion during the construction period, • various touch and feel points;
feature in the rain garden. as well as heavy frosts during the grow-in • a sundial and outdoor drum area.
The planting palette was chosen for its period.
resistance to the occasional heavy frosts Landscape installation
in the area, as well as suitability within the Playscape installation This was undertaken by the FSG Group.
Egoli Grassland biome. The colour scheme This was undertaken by Nicky Lamprecht of
focuses on calm white, blue and purple Plant Elite, and was custom built using CCA Information supplied by Skye Architects, Walt
flowers, as well as bright yellow and blue in treated gum poles installed in a concrete Landscape Architects and Plant Elite. Photos by
certain areas. footing. Meranti timber was used, with Elize van der Walt and Karyn Richards. n
12 Landscape SA • Issue 146 2025 Check us out