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          2025  ILASA  WATER WISE


          A Brief for Students and Lecturers

          Rand Water Water Wise, in collaboration with the South African National Biodiversity
          Institute (SANBI), the Institute of Landscape Architects of South Africa (ILASA), and
          the South African Green Industries Council (SAGIC), invites you to showcase your
          innovative design skills while promoting water-wise practices and indigenous flora

          in South Africa’s most prestigious national gardens.

              he competition invites third year and post graduate students   •  Respect historical structures. The century-old bear and lion cages
              in landscape architecture and related fields to design   that have been converted into offices and a restaurant all lie
          Tinnovative, water-wise gardens for two iconic sites:  adjacent to the project site and speak to the historical legacy of
          l  Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Malcolm    the Pretoria Zoo.
           Rd, Poortview, Roodepoort.                           •  It is hoped that this historical legacy will find a place within the
          l  National Zoological Garden (Pretoria Zoo), Boom     interactive landscape designs.
            Street, Pretoria.                                 •   Water wise education: Rand Water has requested that the small
           This opportunity allows you to demonstrate your creativity and   zone alongside an existing café be converted into a rain harvesting
          problem-solving  abilities,  with  the  potential  to  see  your  design   demonstration garden. Rainwater to be channelled off the roof of
          implemented.                                          the café.
                                                              •   Walkways  and  decks.  If  rustic  walkways  or  viewing  decks  are
          Purpose of the competition                            incorporated in a design, respect the rustic style of existing
          The competition aims to:                              walkways. (See the Google Drive for images of the accepted
           •  Promote  water  conservation  and  sustainable  design  in   walkway style at the Pretoria Zoo).
            landscape architecture.
           •  Encourage  creativity  and  practicality  in  addressing  real-world   Your designs for both projects should include:
            challenges.                                       •  A site plan: clearly scaled and detailed (suggested scale: 1:100 or
           •  Provide  an  educational  platform  for  students  to  apply  water-  1:50).
            wise design principles in meaningful ways.        •  An indigenous planting palette: only indigenous plants may be
                                                               used in the designs. Both sites are situated within SANBI gardens.
          Design challenge                                        A list of the indigenous plants (in the WSNBG Nursery) available
          Submit your designs for one or both of these projects:  for use in a student design can be found in the online resources.
                                                                  There is no on-site plant nursery at the Pretoria Zoo and indigenous
          1.  Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden (WSNBG):  plants specified in the winning design concept will be brought in
          •   Upgrade and refurbish the existing water wise garden.  at the implementation phase of the project.
          •   Incorporate  new,  interactive  features,  enhance  accessibility  and   •  Materials  and  features: Specify paving, irrigation, and other
           showcase exciting indigenous planting schemes.      structural elements. Include material specifications suitable for the
          •   Link your design to the existing gardens while retaining terracing,   Gauteng climate.
           trees and cycads already present on site.          •  Practical design: Ensure that the design can be implemented within
                                                               budget and site constraints.
          2.  National Zoological Garden of South Africa      •  Water  wise  design:  Water  wise  principles  are  key  to  the  entire
            (Pretoria Zoo):                                    design and subsequent maintenance. Include educational elements
          •   Design a new water wise garden in a largely undeveloped area,   to raise awareness of water conservation and interpretation boards
           comprising four zones around a key pedestrian junction.  for educational purposes. Demonstrate hydrozoning to optimise
          •   There are opportunities for bold design changes on this site.   water use.
           Students are encouraged to celebrate the zoo’s rich history and   •  Universal access: Ensure designs cater to universal access.
           cultural legacy.                                   •  Sustainability:  Propose  low-maintenance,  sustainable  design  as
           •  Incorporate  bold  and  interactive  elements  to  appeal  to  local   both host sites require sustainable maintenance solutions.
            and international visitors.                       •  Creativity: Be original and creative. Think outside the box!
           •  The competition site is situated alongside the famous elephant   •  Aesthetics: Be aesthetically pleasing, practical and functional.
            enclosure, an area regarded by the Pretoria Zoo as a memorial   •  Budget: Align with a budget of R500,000 – R700,000 per garden.
            to the late Charlie the elephant who was beloved by Pretoria   •  Implementation: Designs need to be implementable with minimal
            residents. The elephant enclosure is no longer in use.  adjustments.

          16    Landscape SA • Issue 146  2025                           Check us out
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