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          Dr Jonathan Foley has been involved in the landscape industry in various roles for
          close on 40 years.  Working for Wilfred Grey of Tropical Jungle Nursery immersed
          him into the world of exotic plants and Bruce Stead of Natal University showed him
          how he could combine his love of art and plants into practical landscaping.

             oley  grew  up  in  Durban  in the late
             1960s and 70s, at a  time when
         Fhorticulture and Durban Parks in
          particular was booming. His family owned
          a small property on the Bluff where he
          set  up  a  shade-house  and  grew  tropical
          ornamentals, inspired by a friend who had
          just established a 30 m tunnel in his yard
          and was growing tomatoes and cucumbers
          hydroponically. Garden clubs were popular
          and he was introduced to (the late) Vernon
          Rippon  or  ‘Mr  Gardening’,  a  major  force
          within the Durban Parks Department.
          Rippon  recommended  a  career  in
          horticulture and after matriculating, Foley
          enrolled at Technikon Natal in 1979.
           After qualifying, he worked as a senior
          horticulturist with the Natal Provincial
          Administration, developing landscapes
          at  Edgewood  College  and  other  Dr Jonathan Foley
          provincial facilities, as well as managing a
          maintenance depot and growing nursery.
          Commercial landscaping projects followed,   new  University  of  Technology.  Foley  says
          including residential clients and corporates   he  was  privileged  to  have  great  staff  on
          such  as  Eskom,  SAPPI  Fine  and  Tongaat-  his team, including landscape architects,
          Huletts. A teaching opportunity opened   soil scientists, botanists and horticulturists.
          up at Technikon Natal in 1995 and he then   “They  all  contributed  their  respective
          had the privilege of training young people   technical expertise with compassion and
          in horticultural and landscape techniques,   clarity in their teaching”, he says.
          equipping them for life in the green   After two terms as head of department
          industry.                          he stepped down, developing and running
                                             short courses for the ‘Greening the Nation’   SAGIC Excellence in Training Award
          Academic career at DUT             project, a SANBI-driven initiative. This was
          Over the years, Foley taught all subjects   hosted  at  DUT  on  a  part-time  basis  and
          pertaining to horticulture and landscaping,   empowered  educators,  entrepreneurs
          also  contributing  substantially  to  and contractors to work on a range of   for 2025, taking over from Sbu Dlala. “This is
          developing the curricula for the new   landscape projects throughout the country.   a new personal challenge and responsibility
          Diploma  in  Sustainable  Horticulture  His teaching work continued and he was   that I look forward to,” he adds.
          Landscaping. In addition, he undertook part   also responsible for assisting learners in
          time  study,  first  at  the  University  of  Natal   their practical work year, developing the   Significant changes in the green
          Pietermaritzburg’s  Centre  for  Environment   ‘School of Horticulture’ program for them.   industry
          and Development, where he graduated   This  was  a  six  month,  hands-on  teaching   According to Foley, the demand for
          with an Advanced Post Graduate Certificate   platform where learners were exposed   residential gardening in less affluent
          in Environment and Development, and   to  numerous  field  trips  and  were able  to   suburbs has sadly declined, with the focus
          then  later  a  Master’s  degree  from  Durban   engage practically with the core concepts   now  on  high-end  estate  living.  This  shift
          University  of  Technology  (DUT)  in  2001,   of horticulture and landscaping.  The   is not going to change, since landscaping
          focussing on the biodiversity and flora   program commenced in 2007 and to date is   effectively competes with other activities
          of Shongweni Reserve. He obtained a   still running successfully.     and demands for the leisure rand. The socio-
          doctoral degree in biodiversity and science                           political landscape of the country has also
          communication  from  the  University  of   Involvement with SALI      changed – in many suburbs unfortunately,
          KwaZulu-Natal in 2017. In all these studies   Foley started judging landscaping projects   there is little appreciation for the value of
          was a common thread, namely the wide   for  SALI  KZN  in  2017,  also  serving  on   a well-kept garden space, as municipalities
          diversity of global and local plant life and   the  KZN  Exco  with  the  education  and   struggle to deliver basic services.
          the interaction of the human component   training  portfolio.  “The  standard  of  work
          with nature.                       in the province has been high, with many   Trends in the green industry
           During  his six  years as  head of the   talented designers and contractors winning   The main trend has been the paradigm shift
          Horticulture Department,  the  Technikon   recognition for their work,” he states. He has   over the last 30 years from garden exotics
          Natal merged with ML Sultan to form a   now  been  appointed  SALI  National  Judge   to a purely indigenous plant palette. This

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