Page 21 - Landscape-Issue146
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           SALI training at the Durban Botanical Garden

           Empowered to grow              Empowered to plant

           has many positive aspects which Foley   at plants and hard landscaping. “Personally,   practically in the work place.  There are so
           endorses, but he feels that to neglect or   I welcome new trends; we are living in the   many branches within horticulture, ranging
           exclude  the  gardening  tradition  of ‘world   4th industrial revolution so AI visualisations   from commercial production of ornamentals
           plants’  or  exotics  would  be  a  mistake.  As   of landscape spaces are already happening,”   to specialised turf and conservation, as well
           a young horticulturist, bromeliads, palms   he says.                  as design and build opportunities in the
           and orchids were highly sought after, and                             landscape industry.
           now succulents and waterwise plants are   Advice to matriculants
           in demand, with new inter-generic hybrids   Foley says he would encourage anyone with   Ground Level Landscapes and re-
           being created.                     a deep love for nature to enter the field, as it is   branding
            New trends and fresh approaches to   an international and portable career choice.   Foley has been active in the field of plants
           landscape design stimulate and challenge   In addition, an artistic eye and the ability to   and design since leaving his first formal job
           the industry and encourage diversity.   visualise and change  the environment is  a   in the NPA in 1998, and has continued with
           Landscape  greats  such  as  Patrick  Watson   wonderful contribution to society. Formal   various projects while teaching.
           and the late Jan Blok were inspirational,   study at a University of Technology (UoT) lays   Design, consulting and training are his
           since they pioneered new ways of looking   a foundation, but the real benefit is derived   main areas, and he has produced learning

           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 146  2025    19
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