Page 19 - Landscape-Issue146
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           Competition structure and rules                      Judges
           Eligibility                                         The judging panel will include indigenous plant experts and be
           •  The competition is open to third year and post graduate students   drawn from:
           in landscape architecture, architecture and landscape technology   o  Institute for Landscape Architecture in South Africa (ILASA)
           enrolled in South African institutions.               o  Rand Water’s water wise team
           •  Individuals or teams of up to three members may enter.  o  South African Green Industries Council (SAGIC)
                                                                 o  South African Landscapers’ Institute (SALI)
           Submission format                                     o  South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
           o  Two A1 posters supplied in PDF format
           o  Visual content (plans, diagrams and illustrations) and concise   Support for participants
            supporting text.                                   The  following  live  Q  and  A  session  will  be  held  to  answer
           o  A 250-word project description or abstract summarising the design   participant queries:
            concept.                                             o  Date: Tuesday 4 March  2025
           o  Minimum font size: 12.                             o  Time: 13h00 – 14h00
                                                                 o  Platform: Google Meet (Join Here)
           Submission process                           
           o  Submit  your  entries  via  upload  to  the  SAGIC  website  ILASA   o  A  recording  of  this  session  will  be  uploaded  to  the  SAGIC
            Competition page.                                     YouTube channel for later viewing.
           Intellectual property                                Why enter?
           o  Rand Water would potentially like to use winning designs - and   •  Gain national recognition for your talent and creativity.
            selected components from any of the other entries - in educational   •  Showcase your design skills to industry professionals.
            and promotional materials, with recognition given to students   •  Contribute to sustainable landscaping and water conservation
            involved.                                             efforts in South Africa.
                                                                 •  Opportunity  to  see  your  design  implemented  at  renowned
           Key dates                                              locations.
           •  Registration deadline: 28 February 2025
           •  Submission deadline: 15 May 2025                  Prizes
           •  Awards ceremony: 5 June 2025                     For each of the two project sites:
                                                                 •  1st Prize: R20,000
           Available online resources                            •  2nd Prize: R10,000
           To support your participation, site resources are available in a Google   •  3rd Prize: R5,000
           Drive for both sites:                                 Rand Water will sponsor a single prize winner (the team leader)
                                                               from each of the two project competitions to attend the SAGIC
           Site documentation                                  Convention  to  receive  their  prizes  at  the  prestigious  SAGIC
           o  Maps, surveys, and digital base files.           Convention Gala Dinner, hosted at the Champagne Sports Resort,
           o  Site plans: CAD files (where available) and hand-drawn surveys for   Cathkin Peak, Drakensberg, on 5 June 2025.
            reference. Note: The Walter Sisulu site is well-documented, while   Winning  designs  will  also  be  considered  for  implementation,
            the Pretoria Zoo site may require creative adaptation due to limited   subject to further refinement.
            base  plans.  The  organisers  are  working  on  obtaining  CAD  base
            plans of the Pretoria Zoo site.                     Additional notes
           o  Videos offering virtual tours and commentary from competition   •  Ensure that your designs adhere to the submission format and
            organisers (available on the SAGIC YouTube channel).  meet the specified level of detail.
                                                               •  This  is  a  student  competition  aimed  at  fostering  water  wise
           Judging criteria                                     innovation and education.
           Submissions will be evaluated on:                   •  Submissions should demonstrate a thorough understanding of
            1.  Water-wise  principles:  Innovative  and  effective  integration  of   landscape design principles using indigenous flora.
              water-saving strategies.
            2.  Feasibility: Practicality and alignment with the given budget and   Contact us
              site conditions.                                   If you have any questions or need further assistance contact
            3.  Creativity: Unique and inspiring design concepts.  Kay Montgomery
            4.  Technical detail: Quality of scaled plans, planting palettes and   Project leader of the SAGIC Water Wise Educational Project
              material specifications.                           Email:
            5.  Clarity: Coherence and presentation of the A1 posters and   WhatsApp: 082 659 0939
              project description.

                                                                                     Good luck!
                                                                                     We  can’t  wait  to  see  your  creativity
                                                                                     in action and look forward to seeing
                                                                                     your  water-wise  solutions  that
                                                                                     contribute to a more sustainable


           Check us out                                              Landscape SA • Issue 146  2025    17
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