Page 37 - Silver Lakes April Issue 2023
P. 37



                                                      By Nicola Killops

                 hen  I  was  a  child,  one  of  my   worlds,  stimulates  the  imagination,  and   deeper  bond  between  parent  and  child.
                 favourite  activities  was  the   expands your knowledge. It is a hobby that   It  also  instils  a  love  for  reading,  which
       Wweekly trip to the local library     can bring a lifetime of pleasure.    they can carry throughout their life. Aside
        with my mom. I was an avid reader from                                    from  the  emotional  and  social  benefits,
        a young age and grew up in a home filled   Why should you read to your children?  reading  is  also  essential  for  the  brain’s
        with  books.  I  vividly  remember  the  first   As a parent, you have the power to shape   development.  Studies  show  that  reading
        time  a  teacher  introduced  me  to  the   your child’s future. Reading aloud with your   accelerates  brain  development  and
        wonderful minds of authors like Roald Dahl,   child,  whether  young  or  old,  can  create  a   improves cognitive abilities.
        Judy  Blume,  and  Enid  Blyton.  Although  I
        have adapted an evolved with the times –
        getting most of my reading material in the
        form of ‘e’ and audiobooks – nothing makes
        me  happier  than  browsing  a  traditional
        bookshop. I run my fingers over the covers,
        smell  the  pages  and  have  to  stop  myself
        from  buying  twenty  books  for  the  ever-
        growing ‘to-be-read list.’

        Unfortunately,  reading  has  become  a  lost
        art  in  today’s  fast-paced  world.  With  so
        many distractions, forgetting the wonders
        of getting lost in a good book is easy. Yet,
        reading  is one of the most  wonderful
        hobbies  one  can  have.  It  opens  up  new

                                                                                          INTRAMUROS APRIL 2023 | 35
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