Page 42 - Silver Lakes April Issue 2023
P. 42
Elias is looking for extra gardening work. my windows and much more. Call Elias on security and roofing. Contact Tobie on
He tends to our garden and swimming 063 863 6074. 082 366 6911 for a free quotation.
pool and is up to any task that needs to
be done around the house. He takes I can do DStv installation and extra view Painting and waterproofing – Frans is an
initiative and does not require constant set-up, CCTV installation, Wi-Fi installation excellent painter and waterproofing
guidance as he is very experienced. He as well as computer, cellphone, PlayStation, specialist. Contact Frans on 084 677 3186. For
is always friendly and reliable. Call Elias TV, printer and microwave repairs. I custom- a reference contact Irma on 082 444 7368.
on 064 788 6728, or for a reference call build desktop computers and repair ‘dead’
Christine on 072 839 4140. laptops, and I do software installation Repairs and maintenance to swimming
and network configuration. On-site visits. pool pumps. Contact Marlene on
Forever Tizora is looking for gardening work Efficient, professional and affordable 083 2900 374.
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and service. Call Henry on 067 839 1980.
Saturdays. He is a hard worker. Call him on Reliable painter available. Contact Seun on
073 517 2870. Cleaning products – 5 litres from 072 663 9233.
dishwashing liquid to pine gel. Contact me
Tatedi Mosesi is looking for gardening work for a price list. I will deliver. Call Rita on Renovations, upgrades and maintenance
on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. He 079 124 6100. – Izak du Plessis is a qualified builder with
has a certificate in gardening from Keith more than 40 years’ experience in the
Kirsten’s Academy, is reliable and takes Innothabi Projects and Services – Cleaning construction industry. For any renovations,
pride in his work. Call him on 082 791 5906, and maintenance services. Consultations upgrades or maintenance projects – big or
or for a reference call Jan on 082 411 2133. on a day to day basis. Please contact small. Please contact Izak on 082 927 0054
Innocentia Gcabo on 083 814 2406 or or email
Talladega Auto Clinic – Bosch car service.
PERSONAL TRAINING – 10 years’ Emergency laundry service offered. Your one-stop vehicle service, repair
experience. At your home or Virgin Active Washing, ironing, drying and folding. For and diagnostic workshop. Please call
Hazeldean or Virtual. Competitive rates. the times when your washing machine Shane Wilson on 012 809 4472 or email:
Call me for your free session, Tyron Rankin or tumble dryer is out of order or when
on 082 821 1523 or email: tyronrankinpt@ your regular aid is off duty. Collection and delivery Monday to Friday within the HOUSE AND PET SITTING
estate. Contact Marlene on 083 290 0374.
Thermal Health & Wellness – Thermal I am available for pet sitting. I stay in Silver
imaging, ED treatment, massage, lymph Furniture repairs and riempies – Contact Lakes. I have my own dog and I have been
drainage, joint injury treatment and health Fien on 074 899 6600. looking after pets for many years. I charge
coaching. Visit:; email: R100 a day. I give food and water daily. or call 082 441 6850. Repairs of gates and garage motors – Contact Helen at 082 552 3418.
Installation of cameras and new gate
Personal training available for ladies by motors. Efficient, professional and Do you need a pet sitter? I will take care of your
ladies in and around Silver Lakes golf estate affordable service. Please call Simon on precious pets! Whether they need walking,
in our own private gym! Group sessions or 082 867 9451. feeding, a clean litter box or medication, I
one-on-one sessions are available. Check will take care of it for you! References are
us out on Instagram (@sk_fitclub) and Golf cart repairs – We fix and service your available if needed. Dependable, affordable
Facebook (SK Fit) or call 061 073 5050 for golf cart. Same-day service in Silver Lakes and available. Contact Ilza on 067 962 1244 for
more information. Golf Estate. Contact Eddie and Fien on further information.
074 899 6600.
Home Services, Building If you would like to advertise in the Silver Lakes
and Maintenance KJL Wood & Alu – Wooden doors, window Intra Muros Classifieds section, please email
frames and decking. Maintenance and Nicole at by the
All stationary, textbooks and back-to- restoration as well as new installations: 15 of every month. The Classifieds section
school packs supplied by Liza. Delivered to doors, window frames, pergolas, decks is only available to Silver Lakes residents and
your door. Contact 064 907 7704. (wood and composite decking). General there is no charge for residents to advertise
installations and custom joinery. Please here. Please include your Silver Lakes stand
Looking for somebody who does small contact Kobus Langeveldt on 074 615 8579 number and contact details for references.
renovations. For a quote contact Will or email This Classifieds section is not for the use of
Ferreira on 083 463 9876. businesses. If you would like to advertise
Minor adjustments and alterations to your business in the Silver Lakes Intra Muros
If you are looking for a hardworking and clothing. Contact Marlene at 083 290 0374. magazine, please email Martin Fourie at
reliable worker, I can highly recommend All Classified
Elias as he has many skills. He works as a 0861NUTSMAN – Renovation and advertisements will be removed monthly.
gardener, and he worked for many years maintenance specialists in waterproofing, Please inform us by email before the 15th of
at a construction company. He can pave maintenance, welding, carpentry, every month if you would like to repeat your
and paint. He has re-sealed and painted all electrical, plumbing, building, painting, previous advert.