Page 41 - Silver Lakes April Issue 2023
P. 41

DOMESTICS                  Gladys  is  looking  for  domestic  work.  She   children.  She  is  looking  to  fill  two  days:
                                             is  available  on  Mondays,  Wednesdays,   Tuesdays and Thursdays. I highly recommend
        Agnes is looking for part-time work in Silver   Thursdays and Fridays. She speaks English   her; she goes over and above all her cleaning
        Lakes, Monday to Friday. She speaks English   and Afrikaans and is a hardworking lady   duties  without  instruction  or  supervision.
        and  she  is  hardworking  and  reliable.  Her   who takes pride in her work. She is always   Call Samantha on 066 476 8944.
        skills consist of cleaning and ironing and   punctual to arrive on time to start working.
        she  is  very  good  with  children.  She  has   Call her on 079 962 8930.  Nani Mathebe is looking for domestic work
        a  certificate  in  child  care  and  she  is  also                       on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She
        able to take care of the elderly. Call Agnes   Julia is looking for live-in work as a domestic   is a hard worker. Call her on 079 796 8373
        on  061  508  5484,  or  for  a  reference  call   worker in Silver Lakes for five days a week.   or 063 546 3092.
        Cynthia on 067 932 9871.             She  is  a  hardworking  person,  very  good
                                             with  children  and  can  cook.  She  has  two   Pauline Mahlangu has been working for us
        Agnes is looking for domestic work, she is   years’  experience  as  a  domestic  worker   for the past three years and is preferably
        available Monday to Friday. Agnes is very   and  nanny.  For  a  reference,  contact  Emil   looking  for  a  full-time,  live-in  position
        hard  working,  efficient,  reliable,  can  iron   De Vielis on 083 318 3840 or call Julia on   in  Silver  Lakes.  We  are  in  the  process  of
        exceptionally  well  and  is  neat.  Call  her   078 952 5483.            relocating  and  cannot  recommend  her
        on  082  587  2488,  or  for  a  reference  call                          enough.  She  is  diligent,  hardworking,  a
        067 932 9871.                        Juliet Eligah is looking for additional work   good cook and excellent with children and
                                             in  the  estate  or  surrounds.  She  has  been   also has experience in caring for the elderly.
        Agartha  is  looking  for  additional  work  on   working for us for the past two years and   Call her on 079 054 8080, or for a reference
        Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is extremely   we can only describe her work and services   call Jan on 082 411 2133.
        responsible,  friendly  and  trustworthy.   as  exceptional.  Highly  educated,  Juliet
        She  has  plenty  of  experience  in  her  line   is  diligent,  reliable  and  trustworthy.  She   Wendy stays in Mamelodi and is looking
        of  work  and  has  worked  abroad  before.   is  a  hard  worker  –  thorough  and  highly   for  full-time  or  piece  work,  sleep-in  or
        Agartha speaks English fluently and already   organised in her duties, almost to the point   out. She speaks Afrikaans and English. She
        works in Silver  Lakes  and  has  access  to   of perfection. She is available on Mondays   is  experienced  and  has  good  references.
        the  estate.  Call  her  on  073  607  9378  or   and Thursdays. Call Juliet on 078 282 1893,  Call her on 076 058 2072. For a reference
        063 482 6406, or for a reference call Bianca   or  for  a  reference  call  Antoinette  on   contact Shantel on 083 773 1925 or Gerda
        on 076 905 8887.                     083 273 2737.                        on 082 923 0284.

        Anna  is  looking  for  work  as  a  domestic.   Juliet  is  looking  for  part-time  work  on   Winnet  Murove,  is  looking  for  work  on
        She  is  available  on  Mondays,  Thursdays   Tuesdays,  Wednesdays  and  Thursdays.   Tuesdays  in  Silver  Lakes  Golf  Estate,  for
        and  Fridays.  Please  contact  her  on   She  is  clever,  hardworking,  experienced   which she has gate access.  Winnet is very
        076 635 5778.                        and works thoroughly. She speaks English   efficient, gets on with her work quietly and
                                             fluently  and  already  has  access  to  the   reliably, using her initiative when needed.
        Emely  Dube  is  looking  for  domestic   estate. Call her on 074 471 3224, or for a   She has experience in caring for the elderly
        work  on  a  Saturday.  She  has  been  with   reference call Biancé on 063 674 9499 as   and is very courteous and considerate. For
        me since 2019 and works for me three   Juliet is still working for her.   references from employers in Silver Lakes
        days  a  week.  I  consider  myself  lucky                                and  Silver  Fountains,  please  call  Prue  on
        to  have  her.  She  is  extremely  reliable,   Letumme is looking for work as a domestic   072 760 2598.
        works hard, uses her initiative, and I trust   from  Monday  to  Friday,  she  has  been
        her implicitly. Call Emely on 074 473 9870,   working for me for three years. She is a hard   GARDENERS
        or  for  a  reference  call  Jacques  on   worker and can be trusted. Unfortunately, I
        082 900 5891.                        am moving back to Europe. For a reference   Given,  our  reliable  and  trustworthy
                                             call Agnes on 082 587 2488.          gardener,  who  is  also  very  handy  with
        Enica  is  looking  for  domestic  work                                   some general maintenance work, is looking
        in  and  around  Silver  Lakes.  She  is   My dedicated domestic worker is not able   for  work  on  Tuesdays,  Wednesdays  and
        dependable,  capable,  hardworking  and   to sleep-in so I can no longer keep her. She   Fridays. His previous employers emigrated.
        always on time. She speaks English fluently   has worked for me for nine months, she is   He is from Malawi and his access card
        and is available immediately. Call Enica on   friendly, bubbly, dependable, hardworking,   and  documentation  are  in  place.  Call
        079 134 5145, or for a reference call Hennie   reliable and honest. She desperately needs   Given on 074 824 6491, or for a reference
        on 082 940 7526.                     employment.  She  is  available  Monday  to   call  Dawie  Maartens  on  08  277  95686.
                                             Friday but will not be able to sleep-in. Call
        Endless,  my  domestic  worker,  is  looking   er on 066 552 6410.        Bright  is  a  male  looking  for  any  available
        for work in Silver Lakes on Wednesdays                                    position. Has been employed for 10 years
        and  Saturdays.  She  has  been  working  for   My domestic worker is looking for additional   with  his  previous  employer  who  has
        me for five years and I have found her to   work  within  Silver  Lakes.  She  has  been   recently  moved.  He  cleans,  cooks  and
        be reliable, hardworking and pleasant. Call   working  for  me  for  four  years.  She  is   maintains the garden. He lives nearby but
        her on 061 363 6031, or for a reference call   always on time and is the most trustworthy   is  also  available  for  live-in.  Call  Bright  on
        083 327 4202.                        individual with both my belongings and my   072 802 3614 or 062 667 9802.

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