Page 23 - 2024-Issue-1
P. 23


        The CEO X Factor: Secrets for Success from South Africa’s Top Money Makers

        By KC Rottok Chesaina

        Bonang Mohale, president of Business                                extensive research and focused interviews
        Unity SA, describes the book as “a fantastic                        with the leaders of some of South Africa’s
        opportunity to drink from the pool of                               top companies, including Vodacom, Bidvest,
        excellence”.                                                        Capitec Bank, RMB, Dis-Chem, Discovery
                                                                            Health, Nedbank, Sanlam, Momentum, Curro,
        CEO’s can build up a business from nothing or                       Exxaro, Harmony Gold and MTN, Chesaina’s
        turn around a company that is on the verge                          book takes you to the heart of corporate
        of bankruptcy. Inspiring with their relentless                      South Africa.
        drive, strong leadership and innovation that
        can turn whole industries on their heads, they                      With real-life examples, The CEO X Factor
        are the dynamos of our economy. What is the                         shows that reaching the top is about much
        X factor that ensures a CEO’s success?                              more than money – it requires a very specific
                                                                            kind of character, straightforward strategies,
        KC Rottok Chesaina seeks to uncover the                             a true focus on people and a value-driven
        unique personality traits, business acumen                          approach.
        and leadership values that have turned
        CEOs into captains of industry. Based on                            Price: R300.00

          The Year of the Locust                                       My First Jan Braai Book

          By Terry Hayes                                               By Jan Braai

          This is the long-awaited follow-  out again by whatever means   My First Jan Braai Book is the best introduction
          up to the global bestseller I am   necessary. You know when to   to braaiing for little ones. It includes English,
          Pilgrim.                       run, when to hide – and when   Afrikaans, isiXhosa and isiZulu translations of
                                         to shoot.                     basic braai terms, as well as picture-based steps
          If, like Kane, you’re a Denied                               to making South Africans’ favourite braai dishes,
          Access Area spy for the CIA, then   But some places don’t play   like chakalaka and roasted marshmallows.
          boundaries have no meaning.    by the rules. Some places
          Your function is to go in, do   are too dangerous, even for   My First Jan Braai Book is a simple and fun way
          whatever is required, and get   a man of Kane’s experience.   to get your kids into the spirit of braaiing. It’s
                                         The badlands where the        perfect for braaiers of the future and for that
                                         borders of Pakistan, Iran     friend of yours who struggles with the basics.
                                         and Afghanistan meet are
                                         such a place – a place where   Price: R150.00
                                         violence is the only way to

                                         Kane travels there to exfiltrate
                                         a man with vital information
                                         for the safety of the West, but
                                         instead he meets an adversary
                                         who will take the world to
                                         the brink of extinction. A
                                         frightening, clever, vicious
                                         man with blood on his hands
                                         and vengeance in his heart...

                                         Price: R370.00

                                                                                       INTRAMUROS JANUARY 2024 | 21
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