Page 21 - 2024-Issue-1
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become discouraged when results do 4. Learn to redefine physical sensations do it regardless of how you feel about
not come quickly enough, or when of discomfort. Whenever we restrict it. The same goes for organising your
we find that we are not necessarily ourselves, we have both physical closet or taking charge of your finances.
happier because of them. Change in our and mental reactions. For example, a One can almost always find an excuse
behaviour or actions requires sustained smoker feels bodily sensations when not to do these things. However, if you
effort and commitment. It is also typically his/her nicotine level drops. However, make a non-negotiable decision that’s
accompanied by physical discomfort. the smoker has a choice as to how s/ based on a sound logical reason rather
For example, reducing food, alcohol or he interprets these symptoms. S/he than on how you feel at the moment,
nicotine intake from a level to which can define them as being extremely you will be successful.
you have become accustomed, results in unpleasant, or alternatively s/he
cravings. Forcing yourself to get off your can interpret them as his/her body 6. Allow for imperfection. No one is
cozy chair to exercise is often difficult when cleansing itself of the drug. Someone exactly on target all the time. In fact,
you’re tired. It’s easy to procrastinate until who is restricting their food intake will you should expect to falter every now
tomorrow, so that we can rationalise why also feel physical discomfort. However, and then. If you give in to temptation,
we didn’t do it today. the successful dieter tells himself/ do not use this as an excuse to abandon
herself that his/her growling stomach is the whole programme. Learn from
Therefore, if you are going to make New a sign that his/her body must go to the your mistake and move on.
Year’s resolutions this year, here are some fat reserves for energy.
tips to maximise your success and get you 7. Do it now. If you’re waiting for a more
ready for the challenge: 5. Make tasks non-negotiable. People who convenient time to begin to make
are most successful at implementing changes, it won’t happen. It’s almost
1. Examine your motivation for change. such changes are those who make their never convenient to change ingrained
Are you just feeling full and bloated at tasks non-negotiable. For example, if habits. Now is just as convenient as
this moment? Do you have a hangover you debate with yourself at 5:30am any time. And if you begin now rather
from last night? Did your last cigarette whether you feel like getting up to than later, you’ll have a headstart on
give you have a hacking cough? Or is exercise, you will probably opt to stay in experiencing a more satisfying future.
there a more enduring reason for your bed for another half hour. But if getting
desire to change? If you cannot think up for exercise is no more negotiable Therefore, create your goals and work
of a better reason than the fact that than getting up for work, then you’ll towards them one step at a time!
you are uncomfortable at this moment,
then it may be wiser not to make
promises to yourself that you probably
won’t keep. However, if you are realistic
about the process ahead and accept the
responsibility required for change, your
motivation will be sustained long after
the discomfort from overindulging has
o Marital, Couples & Family Therapy
2. Set realistic goals. Habits, actions and
o Counselling Children, Adolescents & Adults
behaviours that are changed gradually
have a greater chance of success. Do o “Teen” Challenges
not rush yourself and try to be patient o Behavioural & Adjustment Challenges
with yourself.
o Stress-Related Challenges
3. Focus on the behavioural change o Adjustment to Depression & Anxiety
more than on the goal. For example, o Subject & Career Psychometric Testing
if you decide to control your eating,
your goal for the day is not to lose a For an appointment please call
specific number of kilos, but to stick to 083 376 1995
your programme. Such focus on your
actions will help you feel in control of Fees are charged according to Scale of Benefits
your life. You will gain satisfaction from Practice Address: 27 Fish Eagle Street, Silver lakes, Pretoria
making sensible choices several times Pr. Nr. 0860000114022 | Reg. No.: PS 0080543
throughout the day.