Page 17 - 2024-Issue-1
P. 17


                   HEATWAVES: THE NEW NORMAL

                                                      By Elize Malan

             he vast majority of garden plants thrive
             in  a  temperature  range  of  18°C  to
        T28°C. The extremely hot weather that
        appears  to  be  occurring  more  often  is  due
        to global warming. As a result, gardeners are
        being increasingly prompted to change their
        garden  designs  and  plant  mainly  succulents
        like cacti – because these plants have deep-
        spreading  roots  and  the  capacity  to  store

        In  a  hot,  dry  garden  the  plants  have
        limited  transpiration  and  cannot  cool  the
        environment.  A  more  user-friendly  option  is
        doing as much as possible to keep your garden
        plants thriving under difficult conditions.

        Doing the following can make a difference:
                                              can do is support the plant until it manages   Succulents  are  xerophytes  –  plants  that
        Install leafy climbing plants         to  grow  new  leaves.  Drip  hoses  or  soaker   are  adapted  to  survive  dry  conditions.
        Whether  ornamental  or  edible,  you  can  use   hoses are a better option.  Hence,  they  don’t  have  the  benefit  of
        these  plants  to  cover  fences  and  walls  in                           transpiration.
        greenery – it will cool the garden as the plants   Leaf  sun-scald  is  obvious  this  summer
        transpire.  For  example,  ivy  can  cool  surface   season.  Leaves  of  the  Clivia  plant  turn   South Africa is a semi-arid country and so
        temperatures by as much as 7°C. These plants   yellow  in  dappled  shade,  while  well-  nowadays,  large  lawn  areas  that  require
        will also provide a suitable habitat for small   irrigated  Agapanthus  plants  have  leaves   irrigation  are  no  longer  encouraged.  But
        geckos and insects.                   that turn white.                     bear this in mind: lawns mitigate the heat-
                                                                                   island  effect  through  transpiration  and
        Limit hard surfaces                   If  your  plants  are  in  pots,  move  them   evaporation,  and  provide  cooler  micro-
        Concrete driveways, tarred roads, tiled patios   indoors or to an area with shade.   climates.  Their  role  in  cooling  down  a
        and open soil create a scorching micro-climate.                            garden should not be underestimated.
        Replace them with permeable materials and a   Place temporary shading, such as a shade
        growing grid that will retain less heat.  cloth,  over  plants  to  keep  them  cool  and   References:
                                              block out the sun’s rays. Vegetable garden   protect-your-plants-during-extreme-heat
        Also,  tilt  the  driveway  towards  the  lawn  to   boxes will benefit from the same treatment.
        keep run-off water useful. Space your pavers                     
        100mm apart and fill in gaps with pebbles or   Increase transpiration      xerophytes/
        groundcover plants.                   Trees  provide  shade  and  release  water   environmental/
                                              vapour  that  will  cool  their  canopy  area.
        Mulch  will  block  direct  sunlight  from   Light-coloured  foliage  or  silver  and  grey
                                                                                           Tel: 012 804 1807
        contacting  the  soil  and  thereby  reduce  heat   leaves have the added benefit of reflecting   Fax: 012 804 0278
        absorption.                           sun radiation.                           Web:
        Practise correct watering             Wild  grass  and  meadow  plants  are
        During  heatwave  conditions,  scalding  is  a   mesophytes  –  plants  that  are  adapted
        problem that occurs with overhead watering.   neither to a particularly wet nor a particularly
        The beads of water remain on the leaves and   dry  environment.  The  transpiration  of  the
        act like a magnifier, causing white or yellow   plants is high and they send water into the
        blotches.  Once  leaves  are  damaged,  all  you   atmosphere, cooling their surroundings.

                                                                                       INTRAMUROS JANUARY 2024 | 15
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