Page 4 - Silver Lakes June 2024
P. 4


          ESTATE NEWS                                          LIFESTYLE
          Message from the CEO                          4      Winter warmer recipe                          24
          Golf news – winning ways                      8      Restaurant competition                        31
          Silver Lakes ladies golf                     10      Interior décor and style & trends for 2024    33
          Procedures to follow for second dwellings    12
          Upcoming estate events                       14      TODAY’S CHILD
          Bird-ringing: an important tracking method   16      How to deal with bullying behaviour           27
          Easy steps to recycling in the estate        20
                                                               CLASSIFIEDS                                   41
          Garden of the month                          18
          Choosing the right ground cover              21

        SILVER LAKES          CONTRIBUTORS                     EIA PUBLISHING OFFICE Tel: 011 327 4062 -
        27 Muirfield Boulevard,   Silver Lakes HOA  Nienke Moolman  PUBLISHER Nico Maritz -
        Silver Lakes,         Silver Lakes Directors  Daleen du Plessis  GRAPHIC DESIGNER Adele Gouws -
        0081                                                   SALES MANAGER Martin Fourie - 072 835 8405 -
        PO Box 11106,         Dean Pretorius  Elize Malan      ADVERTISING SALES Gerdie Murphy - 082 556 9863 -
        Silver Lakes 0054     Andrew Curlewis                  EDITOR Nicole Hermanson -
        Tel: +27 12 809 0142  Alida Kromhout                   PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Chris Grant -
                                       Note from the Editor

             he colder weather is on the horizon.   Scratch League team on their recent   and Field Excursion could be for you. Don’t
             It’s  time  to  dig  out  those  warm   victory.                     miss out!
        Tjerseys and blankets and prepare for
        brisk mornings and chilly evenings. There’s   A  topic  we  all  concern  ourselves  with   In  addition  to  featuring  all  the  exciting
        a  certain  charm  to  be  found  in  the  crisp   is  how  to  deal  with  bullying  behaviour   events  and  activities  coming  up,  we’ve
        autumn  air  and  the  beauty  of  the  leaves   amongst  our  children.  In  the  article  by   included a feature on the Interior Décor
        changing colour.                     Nicola Killops, she guides us to getting to   Style and Design Trends for 2024, for you
                                             the root of the problem so that it doesn’t   to enjoy!
        We’re so proud of all the golfers at Silver   become a long-term issue. Be sure to read
        Lakes. In this we issue celebrate their latest   the article for more insight.  To all the dads at Silver Lakes, we wish you
        achievements as they go from strength                                     a Happy Father’s Day!
        to  strength.  A  hearty  congratulations  to   Take note of all the upcoming events, the
        the  Silver  Lakes  golf  manager,  Andrew   Youth  Day  promises  not  to  disappoint!   Take care and keep warm.
        Curlewis,  for  winning  the  2024  SA  Mid-  Also,  for  those  looking  for  more  outdoor
        Amateur Championship and to the Senior   time,  the  Wimbledon  Tennis  Sports  Day   Nicole Hermanson

        Intra Muros is a monthly magazine of the Silver Lakes Homeowners’ Association (NPC). It is intended for the residents of Silver Lakes. It is published on behalf of the SL HOA by Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd. Articles printed
        in the Intra Muros, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SL HOA or the Estate, the publisher, nor of the companies themselves. Neither the SL HOA, nor the publishers can be held responsible for the quality of
        the goods and services advertised in the Intra Muros. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
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