Page 46 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 46


        A                                   always takes priority for everyone. For a   Blinds that are recommended for the
               well-designed chair, an
                                            more fashion-forward choice, choose an
                                                                                home office are cellular shades, faux wood
               adjustable desk and proper
               lighting are essential elements
                                                                                Cellular shades are available in light filtering
        to consider for a functional home   upholstered chair in the colour of your   blinds, roller shades and bamboo shades.
        workspace. The desk, shelves and                                        or blackout for the precise glare control
        storage should serve you, not vice versa.  Paint the walls a colour that you like  needed. They also insulate against heat and
                                            Forget ‘office beige’. One needs a colour   cold to keep the workspace comfortable.
        Incorporate smart storage solutions   that gets the work motor humming. For
        to keep the workspace clutter-free.   certain people, that is a bright, cheery   Give yourself a view
        Use shelves, cabinets, and drawers   colour like orange or lime green. Others   When you glance up from the computer,
        to organise supplies, documents, and   require a calming shade like botanical   position the desk where you can stare at
        equipment.                          green or sea foam blue to perform.  something more interesting than a blank
                                                                                wall. A window’s natural light is ideal, but
        Choose furniture that serves        Wallpaper as a wall decorating      if you are in a windowless space, hang a
        multiple purposes                   idea                                pretty picture above the desk or position
        When it comes to selecting furniture   Wallpaper is definitely a good choice   the chair to face the door.
        for the home workspace, the trick is   when it comes to enhancing the walls of
        to choose pieces that serve multiple   a home office. It can add a comfortable,   Master the technology
        purposes, especially if the space is on   cosy feel to the space, but it is important   There is not much one can do to beautify
        the smaller side. This can help maximise   to contemplate what effect one tries to   the computer, printer and phone, but one
        space and keep it practical. The obvious   achieve before choosing a specific style.  can hide unsightly cords. Start by making
        ones are tables and desks that can                                      sure the equipment is close to outlets
        double up and be used for dining and   Blinds for home office workspace  and easy to access if one need to unplug.
        working.                            Incorporating blinds designed       Encase cords on the desk in a fabric cord
                                            specifically for the home office allows   cover and feed the cords into a desk fixing,
        The right office chair can make a world   one to control the amount of sunlight   a plastic or metal cap that helps guide cords
        of difference to productivity. Everyone   entering the workspace. Choose blinds   through a hole in the desk and hides them
        has different areas that need attention   that give the flexibility to minimize sun   underneath. Tame the cord jungle on the
        when we are trying to be comfortable.   glare while still enjoying natural light,   floor with cord winders, tubing, or wire
        While some need help with posture,   assisting to create a serene, sun-glare-  organizer that is attached to the desk and
        others suffer from stiffness. But comfort   free environment.           lifts the cord of the floor.

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