Page 49 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 49

Roller Blinds

                  DOMESTICS                  Lihna has been working for us for the last 13   Our  domestic  worker,  Seipati,  is  looking  for
                                             years. She is reliable and a hard worker. She   additional  work  on  Tuesdays  and  Fridays.
        Agnes  Mtimkhulu  has  been  working  for  me   is always at her post. She is quiet and caring.   On  the  other  three  days,  she  is  already
        since 2019. She is reliable and hardworking. She   She is looking for work on a Wednesday. For a   working  in  Silver  Lakes.  Please  call  her  on
        irons beautifully and takes the trouble to get rid   reference call Magriet on 083 556 4763.  079 251 0497.
        of stains. She is looking for work on Tuesdays
        or Thursdays in Silver Lakes and is able to start  Liesbet  is  looking  for  domestic  work  on   Viola  is  looking  for  three  days  work  in
        on 1 Aug. Contact Jeanne on 082 781 4230.  Tuesdays and Thursdays. She works hard and   Silver  Lakes  or  surrounding  areas.  She  is
 IMIBALA                                     effectively and is experienced. She is friendly,   a  hard  worker,  neat  and  reliable  and  can
        Cynthia  is  looking  for  two  days’  additional   honest  and  a  very  fast  learner.  Please  call   work  without  any  supervision.  Call  her  on
 Design Style: Artistic  work, on Tuesdays and Fridays. She has been   her on 076 677 1992, or for a reference call   064 166 7564. Reference available on request.
        working for us for the last two years and we are   Barbara on 083 447 7244.
 Imibala is a celebration of colour   very happy with her work. She is originally from   Virginia  Boshoma  has  been  working  with
 and expression. The vibrant colour   Zimbabwe but has been living legally in SA for   Margaret  Senanya  Legodi  is  looking  for   our  family  for  almost  five  years,  as  we  are
 palette marks a shift away from   more than 10 years now and has been working   domestic work on a Monday in Silver Lakes.   moving, she is looking for a new family in or
 the pursuit of neutrals and   in Silver Lakes since 2009. Cynthia speaks very   She  currently  works  and  stays  on  the  estate   outside Silver Lakes. She cleans and does all
 celebrates the use of colour with   good English, is always in a good mood and is   during the week. She is friendly, hardworking,   the laundry and ironing. She is hardworking,
 liberal doses of vibrant colours.  friendly, hardworking, trustworthy and honest.   punctual, reliable and uses initiative. Call her   punctual,  reliable,  trustworthy  and  loyal.
        She is also good with children and pets. Call   on 072 528 4935, or for a reference call Carol   There  has  never  been  any  issues  with  her
        Cynthia on 063 179 9879, or for a reference   o’Brien on 082 955 6205.    at  all.  She  is  available  full-  or  part-time
        call 060 816 5538.                                                        starting  immediately.  Please  call  Virginia  on
                                             Martha has worked for us in Silver Lakes for   072 906 0372.
        Domestic  worker  Semia  is  looking  for  a   three  years  as  a  cleaner  and  does  ironing
        position  in  Pretoria  East  and  surrounds.  She   once a week. She is an excellent cleaner, well   Winnie  is  looking  for  part-time  domestic
        does  cleaning,  washing  and  ironing.  Call  her   organised and thorough. She is very reliable,   work three days a week. She works in Silver
        on 064 429 8171.                     has access to our home when we are away, and   Lakes  on  the  other  days.  She  is  never  late
                                             we always come back to find it clean and tidy.   for work; she has a pleasant disposition and
        Ida is looking for domestic work in and around   Martha has a quiet personality, she is honest,   is  always  able  to  finish  work  on  time  and
        Silver Lakes on a live-out basis. She is friendly,   focused and diligent. She works through the   without  problems.  I  highly  recommend  her.
        reliable and hardworking. She will never leave   home  methodically  and  arrives  early,  before   Call her on 074 905 1469. Reference available
 CM     my  house  untidy  or  any  jobs  unfinished.  She   07:30am and is never late. Martha currently   on request.
        speaks English well. She has access to the estate.   works for four homes in Silver Lakes, including
        Our needs have changed, and we now require   ours,  and  needs  to  fill  another  day  in  the   GARDENERS
        someone to live in. Call Ida on 074 641 2883,   estate. She is highly recommended for anyone
        or for a reference call Nicole on 084 528 0985.  looking for a good cleaner once a week. Call   Alfred  is  looking  for  gardening  work  for  an
                                             Martha on 073 476 6980.              additional  working  day.  He  is  a  self-starter,
 K      Ideth is looking for domestic work, Monday to                             hardworking,  trustworthy  and  fluent  in
        Friday. She is also an excellent caregiver. She is   Martha  Sibanyoni  is  urgently  looking  for   Afrikaans and English. His vacancy arose with
        fluent in English, softly spoken, hardworking,   work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.   a  family  member  emigrating.  Call  him  on
        patient,  reliable,  experienced  and  always  on   She  has  been  working  for  us  for  the  past   081 844 2050, or for a reference call Francois
        time.  Call  her  on  079  803  1447.  References   three  years  on  Tuesdays  and  Fridays.  She  is   on 083 258 7372.
        available.                           a punctual, reliable and hardworking person.
                                             She understands and speaks English very well.   Bongaini  is  looking  for  gardening  work  four
        Ivy  is  English  speaking  and  is  looking  for  a   Call her on 073 937 6455, or for a reference   days a week. He is an honest and hard worker.
 Blinds  Outdoor Blinds  Shutters  Curtains  domestic  or  caregiver  work  in  Silver  Lakes,   call Petro on 083 287 3554.  Call him on 076 030 6666, or for a reference
        full- or part-time. She is honest and available                           call 083 760 0373.
        immediately. Please call her on 074 300 5477.   My  domestic  worker  is  looking  for  work  in
 FIND A BLIND PROFESSIONAL IN YOUR AREA:  References are available.  Silver Lakes and surrounds, three days a week.   Eddie  is  looking  for  additional  work  on  his
                                             She is hardworking and can work without any   off day. Eddie is great at painting, varnishing
 Johannesburg  Gqeberha  Klerksdorp  Jane  Singa  is  looking  for  domestic  work  on   problems. Please call Winnie on 071 901 3837.  wood, cleaning and gardening. He also assists
 Blind Time Window Innovations:   011 434 1075  PC Agencies:   041 581 3710  Atelier Ridwaan:  082 375 3570  Mondays,  Wednesdays  and  Fridays.  Her   with  minor  maintenance  when  needed.
 R & C Trading:  011 867 3367  husband is a resident in Silver Lakes and Jane   Our  brilliant  domestic  worker  is  looking   Please call Eddie on 065 568 1966.
 Blinds All Types:  011 972 2271  Durban and Umhlanga  Namibia  has  been  working  for  me  for  the  last  five   for  additional  work  on  Saturdays,  she  is
 Curtain & Blind Solutions:   011 465 9966  Aesthetics Shutters & Blinds:  031 303 2364  Touch of Style:  +264-61-245303  years.  She  is  a  Malawian  citizen  and  has  a   extremely  reliable  and  competent,  and  she   Innocent  is  looking  for  extra  gardening.
 Curtain Club:  011 907 9334  Color Blinds and Interiors:  pleasant  and  hardworking  disposition.  I  have   is  also  a  qualified  caregiver.  Call  Theresa  on   He  takes  very  good  care  of  our  garden  and
 Curtain & Blind Workshop:   011 262 4600  Ballito  no hesitation in recommending her for work in   074 558 0074. References available on request.  swimming pool and is happy to take care of
 Galaxy Blinds:   011 613 1496  Blinds All of Them:  032 946 3614  the estate. Her current employer is looking for   anything that needs to be done around the
 Millennium Blinds & Shutters:  072 299 4526
 Knysna  someone  full-time.  Please  call  me,  Raymond   Our  brilliant  domestic  worker  is  looking  for   house.  He  is  originally  from  Zimbabwe  but
 Milk & Honey:  044 382 2041  for a reference on 082 451 6380 or call Jane   additional work on Saturdays. Not only is she   has  been  living  legally  in  SA  for  more  than
 Pretoria  on  063  387  0681  or  call  Jane’s  husband  on   extremely  reliable  and  competent,  but  she   10 years now and has been working in Silver
 Picture Perfect Interior Solutions:  012 660 1184  Bloemfontein
 Matheo Blinds & Awnings:  012 991 5767  078 690 7771.  also works independently and goes above and   Lakes  since  2006.  Innocent  doesn’t  need
 Ralph Blinds:  072 700 4337                 beyond what is required. She is also a qualified   constant guidance as he is very good at what
 Northern Limpopo  Cape Town  Judith is looking for work in Silver Lakes. She   elderly  caretaker  as  well  as  a  childminder.   he does and takes initiative. He speaks very
 Newton & Strever:   082 830 0959  is  available  every  day;  she  can  do  washing,   References  are  available  on  request.  She  is   good English, is always in a good mood and
 Total Blind Designs:  021 447 9062
 The Best Blind Company:  021 461 2122  ironing  and  all  the  household  work  without   working in Silver Lakes and has an access card in   is  friendly,  hardworking,  trustworthy  and
 Nkomazi Blinds  Onevision Systems:  072 716 9704  supervision.  Call  Judith  on  084  657  8884.   place. You’ve tried the rest, now try the absolute  honest. Call Innocent on 073 214 0555, or for
 Nkomazi Blinds:  013 170 5947
        References available on request.     best (by far!). Call Susan on 063 461 6173.  a reference call 060 816 5538.

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