Page 47 - Silver Lakes July Issue 2024
P. 47

Colour-code the filing system
                                                                                    A well organised filing system is a
                                                                                    good indication of a functional office
                                                                                    space. To organise, separate the
                                                                                    filing system into five colour-coded
                                                                                    categories and label each hanging
                                                                                    folder according to your need:
                                                                                    •  Green – Financial,
                                                                                    •  Red – Medical,
                                                                                    •  Orange – Personal
                                                                                    •  Yellow – Insurance
                                                                                    •  Blue – House.

                                                                                    Use a label maker
                                                                                    Invest in a good label maker and label
                                                                                    your files, drawers and boxes for an
                                                                                    easy way to organise the home
                                                                                    office. Whenever someone needs
                                                                                     something, you will know exactly
                                                                                     where it is.

                                              Let there be light
                                              Lighting is just as important in
                                              the home workspace as the
                                              furniture and equipment.
                                              Carefully position the desk
                                              depending on where the
                                              light source is coming from. Make sure
                                              the home office has plenty of light to
                                              cut down on eye strain and headaches.
                                              Position the computer monitor so
                                              there is no glare from a window or
                                              overhead light and put a small lamp on
                                              the desk for task lighting.
                                                                                             Get pot plants and
                                              Create a printing station                   plan outdoor breaks
                                              Designate a space in the office          It is critical when working from
                                              to house the printer and printer   home to take outdoor breaks as it is
                                              supplies. A wireless printer doesn’t   scientifically proven that this increase
                                              need to go on the desk. By placing   productivity, creativity and attention span.
                                              it in a cabinet or other area in the   Connecting to nature is a basic need and
                                              office, you will gain much more space   that is why surrounding yourself with
                                              on the desk for other items.      plants has such a good impact too.

                                              INTERIOR DÉCOR Styles and Trends | 45
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