Page 31 - Intra Muros April 2024
P. 31


                        THE MOON AND GARDENING

                                                      By Elize Malan

              y trial-and-error early farmers learnt
            that  besides  variables  such  as  the
       Bweather and skill, planting at certain
        times  resulted  in  better  crops.  For  them,
        the light of the sun influences climate and
        temperatures  and  their  pagan  traditions
    acknowledged  the  importance  of  the

 	    Modern  astronomy  and  physics  have
        confirmed that the sun and moon change
        the magnetic fields on the Earth according
        to their position in the sky. The influence of
            the moon on the tidal flows of the ocean is   In  South  Africa,  planting  guides  for  our   •  Full moon to last quarter. As the moon
        well-known.                          southern hemisphere are available in each   wanes,  it  is  beneficial  to  those  plants
                                             issue of  The Gardener magazine and on   that  rely  on  strong  root  systems.  Plant
      There  is  a  similar  effect  on  more  subtle   web sites.  below-ground  produce  and  all  bulbous
     	        bodies of water, such as moisture levels in            plants.
        the soil and all living matter.      If  you  find  all  of  this  confusing,  stick   •  Last  quarter  to  dark  phase.  The  most
                                             to common sense and good gardening    barren period as the gravitational pull on
      We have scientific evidence that the lunar   practices  and  try  working  with  the  four   the earth’s water is at its weakest. Best
        cycle as well as the position of the moon   basic lunar phases only.       for weeding not planting.
          	     to  the  stars  influence  the  way  nature
                                     performs.   The  moon  has  a  29.5-day  (synodic)  cycle   Modern  horticulture  can  extent  growing
                                   around  the  Earth.  This  is  measured  from   seasons  and  manipulate  plant  growth
         The demand for more natural produce and   one new moon to the next new moon.  and  sceptics  may  regard  the  calendars
        gardening in harmony with nature has seen                                 anecdotal rather than scientific.
       a  growing  interest  by  organic  gardeners   This cycle is divided into four parts:  The practical theory of working with lunar-
                                             •  New  moon  to  first  quarter.  Seen  as  a
        and farmers in moon planting.
                                              semi-fertile  period.  New  moon  (dark   star  constellations  was  proven  through
                       	           
                          	     As the average person is not an astrologer,   phase) is the best time to plant succulent   systematic  research  by  pioneers  such  as
        	   ­€ ‚ ƒ                  	   a guide or calendar is required.  offsets or take succulent cuttings.  Maria  Thun  and  John  Harris.  Their  work
 ­ „                    	          	        •  First  quarter  to  full  moon.  This  is  the   resulted in a useful moon planting guide as
… ‚ ƒ   In Europe (northern hemisphere) gardening   most fertile period and the success rate   we know it today.
        by  lunar  and  star  constellation  is  very   for  seed  germination  increases  a  few
        popular and numerous different calendars   days before full moon. It is a good time   Sources:
                are available each year.  to plant seedlings.                A Complete Guide for South African Gardens by
                                                                                  Irmela Reichardt
 †                      	   	                                                    food-planting-calendar/

                                                             The ultimate Moon Gardening Guide by The Gardener
    „ˆ                                                            

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